Four Semesters
A program that focuses on the application of biological and chemical principles to the production and management of poultry animals and the production and handling of poultry products. Includes instruction in avian sciences, nutrition sciences, food science and technology, biochemistry, hatchery design, and related aspects of human and animal health and safety.
If you are interested in in obtaining a B.S. in Poultry Science please review the following information
Leanne Kilgore
Life Science Building Room 219
(601) 477-4261
AGR 1214 – Animal Science
A prerequisite to all animal husbandry, dairy science, and poultry courses. Fundamental
principles and practical application of livestock, dairy, and poultry science. Origin, history, characteristics, market
classes, and grades of the major breeds of livestock and poultry. Four semester hours credit.
AGR 1314 – Plant Science
Scientific principles as the basis for practice in producing, handling, processing, marketing,
and utilizing agronomic and horticultural crops. Four semester hours credit.
AGR 2113 - Poultry Production Internship
A course to provide students with an opportunity to utilize skills and knowledge
of poultry production and integration. The student will work closely in a structured, poultry division to earn internship
hours and experience.
AGR 2123 - Poultry Processing Internship
A course to provide students with an opportunity to utilize skills and knowledge
of poultry production and integration. The student will work closely in a structured, poultry division to earn internship
hours and experience.
AGR 2253 – Livestock Judging and Evaluation
Evaluation and judging of representative groups of livestock from the
standpoint of the breeder and the market. Three semester hours credit.
AGR 2314 – Basic Soils
A general course in soils designed to give the student a basic understanding of all important
phases of the subject, including soil genesis, morphology, classification, and the physical, chemical and biological
aspects of soils as applied to soil fertility. Soil management, including fertilization and liming of soils, is also included.
Four semester hours credit.
AGR 2413 – Farm Management
Decision making in the organization and operation of the farm business. Basic principles
of farm management, including records, finance, taxation, and budgeting. Three semester hours credit.
AGR 2713 – Principles of Agricultural Economics
Economic principles applied to production, value, prices, credit,
taxation, land tenure, marketing, international trade, and related problems affecting agriculture. Three semester hours