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Jones College

Business & Marketing Management

Program Length

Four Semesters

Degree(s) Offered

Associate in Applied Science

The Business and Marketing Management Technology program is designed to meet the individual needs of students preparing for a career in the field of marketing,management, and/or fashion merchandising.

The Business and Marketing Management Technology program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare students to take their places in the business and social world. The program offers major options in Business Management and Fashion Merchandising.


How to Enroll

  • Step 1 - Complete a Jones Admissions Application. Applications can be completed online or mailed to: Jones County Junior College, Admissions Office, 900 South Court Street, Ellisville, MS 39437. 
  • Step 2 - Send an official copy of the final high school transcript, previous college transcript, and/or GED scores to the Jones Admissions Office.
  • Step 3 - Submit ACT/SAT scores to the Jones Admissions Office.

Ginger Keeton 
J.B. Young Center Room 202 
(601) 477-4085

MMT 1113 – Principles of Marketing
Study of principles and problems of marketing goods and services and methods of distribution from producer to consumer. Types, functions, practices of wholesalers and retailers, and efficient techniques in the development and expansion of markets. Three semester credit hours: Three hours lecture.

MMT 1123 – Marketing Management
Prerequisite: MMT 1113. A continuation of the study of marketing functions and practices. The issues that confront marketers in the economic environment will be explored. Students must be able to identify and analyze the steps in a typical marketing research project. In addition, the students may be asked to
complete a comprehensive marketing plan. Three semester credit hours: Three hours lecture.

MMT 1313 – Selling
Basic principles and techniques of salesmanship and their practical application. Topics include basic elements of consumer behavior, developing selling strategies, closing and servicing a sale, and developing consumer relations. Three semester credit hours: Three hours lecture

MMT 1323 – Advertising
The role of advertising as a promotional tool. Topics included are product and consumer analysis, media selection, and creation of advertising. Three semester credit hours: Three hours lecture.

MMT 1413 – Merchandising Math
Study of the mathematical calculations involved in the merchandising process. Fundamental principles and operations in buying, pricing, and inventory control. Three semester credit hours: Three hours lecture.

MMT 1753 – Marketing Seminar
Develops leadership skills and human relations skills necessary for success in the field of marketing management. A minimum of six outside speakers, field trips, and projects related directly to marketing careers will be assigned. Emphasis will be placed on developing civic, social, and business responsibilities. Three semester credit hours: Six hours lab.

MMT 2213 – Principles of Management
Study of the basic principles and functions of management. Special emphasis on planning, organizing, directing, staffing, and controlling functions. Three semester credit hours: Three hours lecture.

MMT 2233 – Human Resource Management
Objectives, organization, and functions of human resource management. Emphasis is placed on selection and placement, job evaluation, training, education, safety, health, employer-employee relationships, and employee services. Three semester credit hours: Three hours lecture.

MMT 2243 – Marketing Case Studies
The study of effective marketing management decision-making through case study analysis. Three semester credit hours: Three hours lecture.

MMT 2313 – E-Commerce Marketing
This course introduces the fundamental opportunities and challenges associated with e-commerce activities. Topics include: Designing the user interface, web security, electronic payment systems, promotion, and legal issues involved in creating a functioning online business. Three semester credit hours: Three hours lecture.

MMT 2323 – Internet Marketing
This course introduces the online application of marketing communications. Topics include: basic web design, search engine optimizations, digital promotions, email and social media marketing, and opportunities and challenges associated with e-commerce act ivies. Three semester credit hours: Two hours lecture. Two hours lab.

MMT 2423 – Retail Management
Study of retailing processes, including functions performed, principles governing effective operation, and managerial problems resulting from current economic and social trends. Three semester credit hours: Three hours lecture.

MMT 2513 – Entrepreneurship
This course is an overview of activities that are involved in planning, establishing, and managing a small business enterprise. Topics to be covered will include planning, location analysis, financing , and development of a business plan. Three semester credit hours: Three hours lecture.

MMT 2523 – Event Management
This course introduces methods for planning for special events, trade and consumer shows, exhibitions, and conventions. Three semester credit hours: Two hours lecture and two hours lab.

MMT 2613 – International Marketing
Provide students with an overview and understanding of international marketing. This involves an analysis of world markets, their respective consumers, and environments, and the marketing management required to meet the demands of constantly changing foreign markets. Three semester credit hours: Three hours lecture.