Jones College

Jones College Policies


Number Title Section File
01.01 Academic Appeals Academic Affairs
01.04 Grading System Academic Affairs
01.06 Admissions Requirements Academic Affairs
01.07 Graduation Requirements Academic Affairs
01.08 Pass No Pass Academic Affairs
01.09 Begin Again (Academic Forgiveness) Academic Affairs
02.01 Board Organization Board of Trustees
03.01 Donated Leave Policy Human Resources
03.02 Employee Dismissal Human Resources
03.03 Hourly Employee Compensation Human Resources
03.04 COVID-19 State of Emergency Response Leave Policy Human Resources
03.05 COVID-19 Self-Reporting Human Resources
04.01 Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Office of the President
04.02 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy Office of the President
04.03 Electronic Use Policy Office of the President
04.04 Freedom of Speech and Assembly Office of the President
04.05 Missing Persons Office of the President
04.06 Protection of Minors Office of the President
04.07 Video Surveillance Office of the President
04.08 Weapons Office of the President
04.09 Mississippi Public Records Act (Responses to) Office of the President
04.10 CARES Act Office of the President
04.11 Pandemic Threat Response Plan Office of the President
04.12 COVID-19 Exposure and Contact Tracing Office of the President
04.13 Tobacco Policy Office of the President
04.24 Title IX Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy Office of the President
04.15 Facility Use Policy Office of the President
04.16 Golf Cart and Utility Vehicle Use Policy Office of the President
04.17 Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Office of the President
04.18 Title VII Religious Accommodation Request Procedure Office of the President
05.02 Class Attendance Student Affairs
05.03 Federal Financial Aid Regulations Student Affairs
05.04 FERPA Compliance Student Affairs
05.06 Student Complaints and Grievances Student Affairs
05.07 Student Permanent Records Student Affairs
05.08 Veterans Educational Benefits Student Affairs
05.09 Academic Probation and Suspension Student Affairs
05.10 Credit by Examination Student Affairs
05.13 Animals on Campus Student Affairs
05.14 Motor Vehicle Parking Regulation Policy Student Affairs
05.15 Solicitation on College Property Student Affairs
05.16 Code of Conduct Student Affairs
06.01 Curriculum Development and Evaluation Instructional Affairs
06.02 Faculty Employment Instructional Affairs
06.03 Substantive Change Instructional Affairs
07.01 Conflicts of Interest/Ethics Business Affairs
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