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Jones College

Terrell Tisdale Library

Jones Logo

The library provides the entire college community with up-to-date resources, facilities, and services to support instruction and personal development.

The Terrell Tisdale Library opened in January of 1987 and the on-location collection consists of over 77,000 books, periodicals and microfilm items. Electronic databases and indexes are also available both on site and via the Internet.

Get Started with an Online Search


Andrew Sharp

Director of Library Services
(601) 477-4198

Wesley Dixon

(601) 477-4065

Hours Of Operation

Monday - Thursday • 7:30 AM - 10:00 PM

Friday • 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Saturday - Sunday • Closed

Request an Item


Jones Tutoring Services is a FREE academic support service for students on the Ellisville Campus and our four in-district county centers: Clarke, Greene, Jasper, and Wayne County Center. Tutors are carefully selected students who have achieved a high level of success in the course or discipline they are tutoring. Tutoring sessions can be scheduled and arranged for the convenience of the tutor and tutee.

We are currently implementing our online FREE tutoring service NetTutor. NetTutor is within each academic course inside Canvas. It should appear on the left side of the Canvas Navigation bar, which students can easily access.

Jones College offers subject-area academic tutoring with our newly added Mastery Centers on the Ellisville Campus. The Writing Center provides tutoring in English and Literature courses. The Math Center provides tutoring in Technical Mathematics, Intermediate, and College Algebra courses.

Are you interested in becoming a student tutor? Submit all one-page professional resumes to Alexis Rambo, M. Ed., Tutoring Services Coordinator, at If you have any other questions related to Tutoring Services, please get in touch with us at 601.477.5455 or email us at

Residual ACT Testing

An on-campus or "residual" testing program is available at Jones to administer the ACT to students who were unable to test on an ACT National Testing date or desire to retest. Scores can only be used at Jones.

Jones College offers many opportunities for you to take the Residual ACT Test. We are excited that you are making plans for college, and we want to make the preparation process as simple as possible. Below you will find dates, times, locations, cost and what to bring for the Residual ACT Test on the Jones campus as well as contact information concerning Jones testing. Scores will be mailed to the address provided by the student on the answer folder within three to five business days.


Movember 19th, 2024
January 8th, 2025
February 19th, 2025
March 5th, 2025
April 9th, 2025
May 28th, 2025


8:00 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
(Check-in begins at 8:00 A.M. No admittance after 8:25 A.M.)


Terrell Tisdale Library, Projection Room 223

Residual ACT Coordinator

Wesley Dixon

Please make appointment by emailing, or calling the library at (601) 477-4065. A confirmation email will be sent upon appointment being made.


$69.00 (All forms of payment accepted) PLEASE MAKE YOUR PAYMENT OVER THE PHONE BY CALLING 601-477-4013.

What to Bring

PHOTO ID (No admission without PHOTO ID)

TWO sharpened #2 pencils (No mechanical pencils)

Calculator (You may use any four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator, unless it has features described in the Prohibited Calculators list.)

*Temperature may vary. Please bring a jacket.*

Space is limited; students will be admitted on a first come first serve basis.


Residual ACT testing is available for current students or individuals who have applied to JonesCollege. Any examinee who has not submitted an admission application to Jones College will beprovided with an admission application to complete prior to taking the Residual ACT. Residual ACT scores are only accepted at the institution in which it is administered. The Residual ACT cannot be used for MTAG. Individuals must wait 60 days before retaking Residual ACT exams. Residual ACT scores will be mailed to the address provided by the student within three to five business days.


• Residual Testing is not a practice test.

• Residual Testing is not for use with younger students.

• Residual ACT is for students who plan to attend or are currently attending Jones College.

• Using cell phones at any time during testing or during the break is strictly prohibited.

All electronic devices, including cell phones and wearable devices must be turned off and placed out of reach during testing and breaks until testing concludes. For more information, contact the Residual ACT Test Coordinator, Wesley Dixon, at (601) 477-4065