ELLISVILLE – Three ladies beat out the competition to lead Jones College’s Maroon Typhoon Marching Band next fall. Freshman, Emma Burge of Oak Grove, will be joined by incoming freshmen, Cambry Holifield of Laurel and incoming sophomore, Genna Ramey of Leroy, Alabama, to lead the nearly 200-member organization.

Director of Bands, Dr. Ben Burge explained the three were selected after a competitive audition that included demonstrations, a lengthy interview and a presentation of their field conducting and showmanship.
“These three young ladies displayed the confidence, strength and leadership skills that we are looking for in a drum major. I am eager for them to begin their duties and I look forward to them helping the Maroon Typhoon come out of the year of Covid-19. I believe these drum majors will play a huge part in creating a very special fall on campus,” said Burge.
Leading the group, is Dr. Burge’s daughter, Emma who spent last year as the newest drum major at Jones College. However, she also has experience in the leadership role as the drum major at Oak Grove High School for two years before coming to Jones College.
“I am so excited to be drum major of the Maroon Typhoon for my second year. I am eager to play a part in bringing ‘normal’ back and for all of campus to spring back to life!” said Burge, who is a Music Industry major.
While trying to decide on a major, Holifield is certain of her abilities as a leader of the band. She has been a drum major at Northeast Jones High School for the last three years.
“I am so grateful for this honor and I can’t wait to get started!” said Holifield.
Leroy High School’s Ramey said she is looking forward to coming to Jones College to continue being a part of the music program while majoring in Health Information.
“I’m really thrilled about being a drum major for the Maroon Typhoon this coming fall! Our normal schedule was cut in half last fall, so I’m really excited about our fine arts and athletics having the chance to show off their talents and hard work this fall,” said Ramey.
For more information about the Jones College Band Program contact, Dr. Ben Burge at 601-477-4095 or by email, ben.burge@jcjc.edu.