ELLISVILLE – Jones College’s community-wide spring blood drive will be held on Monday through Wednesday, February 27 to March 1, with two important goals. There is an increased demand for donors for various reasons, to not only replenish the local blood supply, but Jones will also be hosting a Replenishment Blood Drive honoring Rick Bedwell, a retired Jones College business instructor with leukemia.
“This blood drive is vital. Overall, nationwide we are currently experiencing an ‘emergency situation’ or blood shortage and need all types of blood,” said Michelle Anderson-Jones, Vitalant Donor Recruitment-Account Manager. “Donating locally is especially important to keep our supply levels up and before there is an emergency need.”
On Monday, February 27, the Blood Mobile will be parked at the Industrial Services Center from 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. For the following two days, all blood donations will be received in the Student Union, behind the A.B. Howard/Bobcat Gym on Tuesday, February 28, and on Wednesday, March 1, from 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.
The overall goal for the three-days is 86 units of blood stated Benji Sessums, Jones College Blood Drive Coordinator and EMT instructor. To encourage donations, T-shirts will be given to all donors and Door Prizes will be available all three days for donors during random drawings.
Vitalant strongly encourages blood donors to make and keep appointments to give blood but walk ins are welcome. Scheduling appointments can be made through the website, www.donors.vitalant.org with JC1 being the Blood Drive Code.