ELLISVILLE – Hundreds of Jones County Junior College alumni and friends gathered recently for Jones College’s Homecoming Alumni Luncheon which honored several alumni for various accomplishments. During that event, the Alumni Association of Phi Theta Kappa’s International Honor Society, Rho Sigma Chapter presented the PTK Alumnus of the Year Award to 1990 JCJC graduate, Mary Boleware. She is only the second person to receive the honor from the newly formed Alumni Chapter of PTK at Jones College.
“To be chosen as the Jones College PTK Honor Alumnus for 2024 was quite the surprise!” said Boleware. “I am humbled to have been chosen from among so many deserving candidates.”
She was presented the award by fellow faculty members, Caleb Smith and Mark Brown who also serve as PTK Advisors. They explained that Boleware has not only been an active member of PTK as a student, but she has also been involved with hundreds of JC student’s journeys throughout the 24 years she has been teaching Engineering Mechanics-Statistics and Physics to engineering majors.

“It was unanimous that the honoree for 2024 would be beloved Physics Instructor, and former Rho Sigma Member, Ms. Mary Boleware,” shared Brown. “Ms. Boleware has meant so much to countless aspiring engineering students, as she not only nurtures them, but challenges them as well. Anyone that has been under her instruction can have confidence that they are greatly prepared to meet the continued challenge of engineering.”
As a student at Jones in 1988-1990, Boleware was an active member of PTK. She continued to serve in the honor society in leadership positions after transferring to the University of Southern Mississippi.
“I remained active with the PTK Alumni Chapter at USM and served as chapter president in 1991-1992. It was an honor to attend three PTK National Conventions (San Francisco 1990, Chicago 1991, Washington DC 1992). Wonderful connections and lifelong memories were made,” Boleware shared.
While working on her master’s degree in physics at the University of Alabama-Birmingham, Boleware was an adjunct physics instructor at William Carey College from 1993 until 1999. Additionally, in 1995 she began teaching at Forrest County Agricultural High School as the Physics, Math and Technology instructor until 2000, when she joined the faculty at Jones College.
As a faculty member at JC, Boleware served the School of Science and Engineering as the Academic Advisor and Recruiting representative and has served as the Student Engineering Society Faculty Advisor. Furthermore, she has served on the Insurance, Homecoming Alumni Brunch, and the Student Hall of Fame Selection committees. Currently, Boleware serves as a member of the Alumni & Foundation Board, and she is the Alumni Association Vice President.
Her many honors include being the JCJC Foundation Faculty of the Year recipient for 2006 and 2022, the 2013 HEADWAE (Higher Education Appreciation Day, Working for Academic Excellence) faculty recipient and receiving the Shelby Price Award for Excellence in Teaching of Science Award.
As an active member of Venture Church in Hattiesburg, Boleware has served on the Lead Pastor Search Team, Nomination Committee, Guest Services, and is a Preschool volunteer and House Church Host. Mary is married to Garland Boleware, and they have two sons, Hunter and Tanner and his wife, Ashlyn.