Jones College’s Workforce College offers Fiber Optic Installer courses

ELLISVILLE – Jones College’s Workforce College is now offering two courses to help fill the demand for fiber optic installers in the region. The Certified Fiber Optic Installer (Class 1) will begin on Monday, May 19, through May 29, and meet Monday through Thursday, at 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.  This short-term-class includes classroom instruction and the hands-on application of skills. The course costs $1,100 and will not meet on Memorial Day, Monday, May 26.

The next course in the program, Certified Fiber Optic Outside Plant Technician (Class 2) is designed for workers with fundamental fiber optic knowledge or Installer Certification. It focuses specifically on outside plant installations (OSP), such as building to building communications or long-haul telecommunications. Emphasis will be placed on the single mode fiber optic installation and the associated international standards, theory and practices. This course is offered Monday through Thursday, from 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. beginning on Monday, June 2, through June 12. The cost of the course is $1,450.

The head instructor at The Fiber School, David Cameron (left), goes over the parts of the Optical Time Domain Reflector Meter with Jones College’s electro mechanical instructor, Cody Robertson (middle) and electrical technology instructor Seth Pierce (right) in preparation to teach the Certified Fiber Optic Outside Plant Technician Fiber Optic Installer’s newest course offered through Jones College’s Workforce College.

At the completion of the class, students will take the ETA (Electronics Technician Association) exam. If they pass the exam, they will receive an ETA certification. Students must complete Fiber Optic Installer class (Fiber 1) OR have 1 year of work experience in the fiber field to enroll in the Outside Plant Technician class (Fiber 2). For more information or to enroll, call 601-477-4114 or email,