ELLISVILLE – During Homecoming festivities at Jones College, the Rho Sigma Chapter of Phi Theta Chapter International Honor Society announced the establishment of an Alumni Chapter of PTK. As part of the chapter’s College Project, led by sophomore JC student from Waynesboro, Ivana Bishop, The PTK Alumni Chapter will provide an opportunity for alumni of the honor society to be connected to current students and future students.
“The function of the PTK Alumni Chapter at Jones College is to encourage a sense of belonging to Jones for these graduates. We believe our alumni would want to be a part of this organization to reunite them with their peers, have their accomplishments recognized and to reestablish links between successful alumni and Jones College through communication and networking,” said Bishop.
Three advisors of the newly established PTK Alumni chapter group, Gwen Matuszewski of Raleigh, Matthew Harrison of Laurel and Je’Shaiah Stephens of Laurel, were recognized during the Alumni Luncheon at Homecoming in October. Gwen Matuszewski previously served as an advisor of the current PTK Chapter as a Jones College employee. Stephens and Harrison are recent graduates of Jones College and former PTK members and officers. For more information about the new, PTK Alumni chapter email, PTKAlumni@jcjc.edu