ELLISVILLE-Jones College’s Day of Giving on Tuesday, November 28, has been tied to the National Day of Giving tradition with some “Bow”tiful opportunities. In honor of and inspired by Jones College President, Dr. Jesse Smith, who enjoys wearing bow ties, the JCJC Foundation Inc. will be offering paper bow ties for $5 as a fun way to dress up the bronze Bobcat on the C.L. Neill Plaza and to participate in the college’s fourth annual Day of Giving.
“I really love this idea,” said JC freshman, Hannah Luker of Sumrall. “I think it shows how Dr. Smith is so awesome to us students and I think it’s a great idea. Scholarships are a great help for students, and I think giving back to the community is the best way we can help, so come and give!”
The first official “Day of Giving” at Jones College was in 2019, as an all-day event on campus to encourage faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends to help grow and continue the mission of the Jones College Foundation, Inc. As the event continues into its fourth year, VP of Advancement and JCJC Foundation coordinators believe the “Day of Giving” is even more important and is an opportunity to teach students about the importance of giving.

“Giving transcends generosity; it becomes a profound investment in the future of Jones College students and their communities. Whether large or small, your contribution matters. It fuels the engine of progress, nurtures potential, and lights the path for those striving for a better tomorrow,” shared Vice President of External Funding, Sabrina Young. “The ripple effect is profound because a scholarship can empower a student to break barriers, and educational resources can shape minds and create leaders. Collectively, our giving can build a foundation for a stronger, more vibrant community.”
Joining together as a Jones College community along with the JC family of friends and alumni, helps secure the non-profit Foundation’s mission of supporting the college as it continues to thrive. The main purpose of this concerted effort is to build awareness of how the Jones College Foundation serves JC students and its communities and to show how easy giving can be for our alumni and friends.

“The collective power of giving on this day serves as a catalyst for positivity, shaping the educational journey of Jones College students and fostering a community committed to their success. Together, we can make today a time of not just giving, but also of giving with purpose, and passion, with the shared belief that education has the power to change lives and build a brighter future for us all.
Everything raised by the JCJC Foundation is invested back into the students, faculty, staff, and community in some way. Whether it’s education, professional development, or anything vital in helping us carry out our mission, the JCJC Foundation offers assistance. Alumni and friends are usually the first sources for assistance and that’s why many university foundations utilize similar giving events to support both large and small needs within their community.
However, if you didn’t attend Jones College, many discover Jones touches their life in some way. Whether it’s through the Jones College students working in hospitals caring for patients during clinicals and as employees after graduation or the many other professionals who become teachers, business owners, pharmacists, musicians, welders, engineers, or inventors, Jones College touches communities throughout the U.S. and the world.
The “Day of Giving” is an opportunity for anyone to help Jones College continue to offer excellence in education and inspire another generation to share the vision Jones College established in 1911. Tax-deductible donations can be accepted online at https://www.jcjc.edu/alumni_foundation/day-of-giving/ on the JC Day of Giving on Tuesday, November 28, or by phone at 601-477-4145, from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m., or by stopping by the JC Alumni and Foundation Office in Jones Hall on the campus of Jones College in Ellisville.
To keep track of the progress and when we reach various goals, follow us on social media at Facebook-JCJC Alumni and Foundation, Instagram @jc_foundation_alumni/, Facebook-Jones College, and Jones College-Twitter. For more information contact the Jones College Alumni and Foundation Office at 601-477-4145.