ELLISVILLE – The Jones College Typhoon Marching Band is led by four students who are academic achievers and familiar with being in the spotlight. Returning sophomores, Hannah Latham of Sandersville and Braden Yarber of Ellisville both led their high school bands and were tops in their class. Latham was also the Show Choir Captain and a cheerleader. Her peers selected her as Miss Northeast Jones, and she was honored by being selected for the Hall of Fame. The education major shared being a Jones College Drum Major has been a special privilege.
“Being a drum major at JC has been one of the greatest and most rewarding things I have experienced. I have met so many amazing people and I have made so many friendships that will last a lifetime. This band, the people who make it happen, will always have a special place in my life,” said Latham.

Braden Yarber has also enjoyed success in the classroom and landed in the Top Ten of the Class of 2023 at South Jones High School. The former Beta Club member and Tennis Team Captain juggled the demands of being the Drum Major for the nationally ranked Braves Band. At Jones College, Yarber will pursue a degree in the medical sciences field at USM after graduating from JC in May. Over the summer, he had the opportunity to enjoy another aspect of the “band world” as a member of the colorguard for the prestigious Blue Knights Drum and Bugle Corp. Based out of Denver, Colorado, the nationally touring marching arts ensemble competes in Drum Corps International World Class. The group of performers from across the country create a live musical marching performance incorporating brass and percussion instruments with highly choreographed dance and movement.

Freshman, Elisa Cook of Meridian has been in the spotlight in various ways. In the realm of band, Cook was the Clarkdale High School Drum Major for two years and was honored to earn the MHSAA Superior Drum Major title. Additionally, she has been a member of the Marching and Concert Bands at Clarkdale High School, as well as a member of the basketball team and President of the FBLA. Her peers voted her as the Junior Homecoming Maid in 2022. Currently, Cook is the reigning Miss Black Queen City Talented Teen, and she has her sights on being the next Miss Black Mississippi USA Talented Teen.
“I am competing for this opportunity to promote my platform, ‘Confidence is in You: Leadership Development for the Youth.’ My platform is to encourage children and teenagers to become great leaders which includes learning to communicate, speak in public, be encouraging, and to be an overall role model for others. I was a shy young girl and since then, I’ve been in many leadership roles like being a drum major for the Jones College Typhoon! This opportunity has helped me meet new people, build my leadership skills, public speaking skills, communication skills and create beautiful memories,” shared Cook.

Northeast Jones High School graduate and member of the marching, jazz and concert bands, Chaz Welborn has distinguished himself in a unique way. The Ellisville resident is a Mississippi Scholars Award recipient and he graduated from Northeast Jones High School with a Distinguished Academic Endorsement, and the Marine Corps “Semper Fidelis” Award. Welborn volunteers his lawn scaping talents with his neighbors and friends and aspires to earn a degree in computer science. These drum majors’ first public appearance leading the Typhoon Marching Band will be on Thursday, August 29, when Jones College hosts Mississippi Delta in football at 7 p.m. at Bobcat Stadium/Sim Cooley Field.