ELLISVILLE – Five Jones College students were selected by their peers for the special recognition to be named Gold Key recipients. The Merit/Honor Gold Key recipients were engineering major, Gracye Tower of Runnelstown and business administration major, Brady Williams of Puckett. Williams was also the recipient of the Leadership Gold Key Award along with Faith Collins, a computer science major from Heidelberg. Athletic Gold Key honors went to softball pitcher, Holly Craft of Raleigh, a health-related professions major, and tennis player, Tanner Bevard of Hattiesburg who is majoring in kinesiology.
Jones College sophomores receiving the Academic Gold Key honor because of their 4.0 GPA are, William Blakeney of Raleigh; Angela Bollinger of Petal; Brooklyn Brown of Ellisville; Faith Collins of Heidelberg; Virginia Fortenberry of New Hebron; Erin Harris of Quitman; Makayla Mason of Laurel; Jessica McAlpin of Stringer; Charity Miller of Laurel; Bralynn Newell of Newton; Brodie Rials of Pearl; Christopher Ritz of Sumrall; Jennifer Shirley of Waynesboro and Reagan Veon of Petal.