ELLISVILLE – Jones College President, Dr. Jesse Smith and Dean of Workforce College, Jennifer Griffith named JC graduate, Alan Cook as the new, Greene County Center Director in Leakesville. The former Center Director, Richard Fleming retired July 1, and the Center’s Navigator and dual enrollment coordinator, Menyone Barrow has been the interim director.
“I look forward to opening doors and creating opportunities for all of our local students as the new Greene County Center Director. It is my hope to serve as a bridge between our local school districts and Jones College in an effort to build a strong bond benefitting our students for years to come, regardless of whether they are focused on academics or career and technical education,” said Cook.
Cook graduated from Greene County High School in 2001 and worked in various commercial, residential and industrial construction jobs. From 2008 until 2017, he worked for Universal Services in Leakesville and earned a general studies degree at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College in 2003. Two years ago, Cook returned to Jones College to earn his Associate of Applied Science degree in Electrical Technology and has spent the last year as an instructor at MGCCC’s George County Center.
“His industry background and teaching experience at a sister college make him a unique find and a perfect fit for the Greene County Center’s Director position,” said Griffith. “Alan will also be the instructor of the Electrical Technology program that will open in fall 2020 at the Greene County Center.”
Being close to home with family is a benefit Cook said he is enjoying as the new Greene County Center Director. Additionally, he is looking forward to being involved with local school activities and seeing students succeed.
For more information about the Greene County Center’s class offerings in Adult Education, Career and Technical and college credit courses, contact Menyone Barrow at 601-394-4421 or 601-477-4238 or email her at menyone.barrow@jcjc.edu.