ELLISVILLE – The Jones College Livestock Show Team is excited to be fully moved into the new Show Barn on campus which was completed last spring. Students groom and train the Red Angus heifers in the 144-foot x 60-foot facility which features a large wash rack with hot and cold water, eight large animal stalls and six small animal stalls, with large animal turnouts, an outdoor kitchen, front porch, feed room, two bathrooms, and an office.
“We are super excited about being able to use the new show barn on campus. The students have enjoyed working in it already this year,” said Leanne Kilgore, the Livestock & Agriculture Science instructor and Show Team advisor. “In a few weeks, we will start halter breaking our first set of calves that have been raised on the JC Farm for the show team. The new facility allows the team to care for and house eight head of cattle with ease.”
This year’s Livestock Show Team consists of nine experienced and knowledgeable individuals from across the state who have been showing livestock since their youth. Working together over the next few months as a team allows the group to hone their leadership skills and prepare for competition.
“Students are responsible for the daily care and feeding of the animals. They spend many hours each week working with these animals preparing them for the show ring,” said Kilgore. “This spring, we’ll attend four shows including the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky and end the competition season in Houston at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.”

The team did exceptionally well in Houston last spring, winning Reserve Division, Champion Division, and Reserve Grand Champion Red Angus Female Grand Reserve Red Angus. At Cattlemen’s Congress the team exhibited three heads of cattle with two, placing 2nd, and one, placed 4th. All of the JC Livestock Show Team will also attend the Mississippi Youth Expo in Jackson and the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Freshman, Kade Lott of Hattiesburg may be majoring in petroleum engineering but his experience on the farm should help the team continue to be successful.
“I started showing pigs when I was five years old. I grew up in the industry and over the past few years, I’ve done really well,” said Lott. “I’ve also shown cattle, mostly shorthorn heifers and show steers. I love traveling and I want to get the college’s name out even more.”
Sophomore Sadie Morris of Batesville said she is ready to return to the ring as a team and continue to bring home more honors. Being a member of the JC Livestock Show Team also allows the animal science major more opportunities for her career.
“I have met more people in addition to expanding my education in the livestock and the agriculture world. The Livestock Show Team is helping me to decide what I want to do in the future,” said Morris.
Also returning to the ring with more experiences and a special distinction is Grant Goree of Lorena. The poultry science sophomore proudly represented Mississippi at the American Farm Bureau Federation Collegiate Discussion Meet contest in Omaha, Nebraska last spring.
In addition to being on the JC Livestock Show Team, Bailey Blakeney of Magee is also an officer for Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society. The Agribusiness major’s goal is to work at Mississippi Farm Bureau after graduating from Mississippi State University.
“This opportunity on the Team has given me the chance to get out of my comfort zone and make connections that will last a lifetime,” said Blakeney.
Sophomore Chase Boone of Raleigh hopes to continue to find success in the ring. In addition to being on the Livestock Show Team, the Agribusiness and Poultry Science major is an active member of the Student Government Association. After earning his degree, Boone plans to own and manage his own farm.
New members of the JC Livestock Show Team bring a variety of experiences to the show barn. Oak Grove High School graduate and a member of PTK, Kylie Graves explained, “Being on the state’s only Livestock Show Team is a special honor. I hope to learn more about marketing within the livestock show industry.” Her future plans include majoring in Agriculture Communications and Marketing.
Quitman’s Paige Hagwood was a member of the Beta Club, HOSA and National Technical Honor Society in high school. At Jones College, she hopes to use her experience showing cattle to help her as a sports medicine major.
Hannah Jones of Flora is thrilled to be able to continue working in the show ring and with cattle as a freshman at Jones. The Agriculture Business and Poultry Science major plans to work as a photographer in the future.
Former Simpson Academy football player and Senior Class Favorite, Will Smith is an Agriculture Business major from Magee. The JC freshman’s plans include going to Mississippi State University to further his education.
For more information about the Livestock Show Team click on the link: https://www.jcjc.edu/livestock_showteam/ and to learn more about the agriculture related programs at Jones College click on the websites, https://www.jcjc.edu/programs/agricultural/, https://www.jcjc.edu/programs/poultryscience/