ELLISVILLE- For the last five years, Jones College Foundation’s Day of Giving event has surpassed its goal with this year being no exception. Thanks to the generosity of the alumni and friends of the two-year college, the $200,000 goal was surpassed before noon on the National Day of Giving event, which is held each Tuesday after Thanksgiving. At the end of the day, $258,727.64 was raised.
“We are deeply grateful for the ongoing support of our Legacy Donors as well as new donors, whose contributions made these milestones possible. It is an honor to witness such selflessness and dedication. These donors are not only leaving a legacy, but they are also leading the way toward excellence. Their generosity is truly inspiring, and it leaves a lasting mark on the future of Jones College,” said an excited Sabrina Young, Jones College Vice President of External Funding and the Executive Director of the Jones College Foundation.

She continued to explain that the Day of Giving supports the college’s Legacy Giving Campaign which is supporting the Napier School of Art and Design, JC Healthcare programs and career and technical education. Providing scholarships in those specific programs will help students overcome obstacles, succeed and transform their lives.
Representatives from the Ellisville High School Class of 1964 announced they were establishing one of the newest scholarships as part of the Day of Giving at Jones College. The original high school was established in 1911, as Jones County Agricultural High School and began offering college courses in 1927. The high school eventually became known as Ellisville High School, and it remained on the current Jones College campus. As schools were later consolidated, South Jones High School was established in 1965.

“One day, no one will remember the high school because it was closed in 1965. We were the next to last graduating class before consolidation,” explained Tommie Lowery. “Everyone in this group of about 20 or so of us decided we’d start this scholarship. We did not do any fundraisers or anything like that. It was just because we want our Ellisville High School to be remembered through the years and that’s what it’s all about.”
Once the scholarship is endowed, which Lowery expects to be soon, Jones College student recipients will get a brief history about Ellisville High School as a way to continue its legacy.
“I hope that students will realize there were lots of footprints that came before them on this campus, and many of us had the most wonderful experience at Ellisville High School. Many of us stayed and attended Jones for two years and I would have been here for more if they would let me stay!” shared Lowery. “We want JC students to know how important we think the college is because we were here before. The college has grown into such a beautiful campus. It was beautiful then, but it’s extremely beautiful now. We want them to know that we care about education. We care about Jones College; we care about them.”
Scholarships are one way to continue a legacy with a far-reaching impact for decades. Young said she is thankful so many friends and alumni of the college have reached out to support the future of education.
“I want to thank all the donors, and the Jones College Foundation Board members who continuously support the Foundation and the College, not only through their leadership but also through their time and contributions,” Young said. “Without their assistance and support we are limited in the ways we can expand and enhance our student’s ability to serve our community in the areas that are highlighted in healthcare and career and technical education, through professional development for faculty members as well as with scholarships,” said Young. “
As a special thank-you, donors participating in the one-day event were entered into a raffle for the Grand Prize, a Jones College custom grill handcrafted by our talented students in Workforce Welding. Additionally, donors could receive one of three gift baskets packed with items from B&R Industrial Supply, Community Bank, Magnolia State Bank, Adam Trest, Shug’s, Lowes, Alexander’s Hardware, The Knight Butcher, and the Scotsman Company.
The “Day of Giving” is an opportunity for anyone to help Jones College continue to offer excellence in education and inspire another generation to share the vision Jones College established in 1911. Tax-deductible donations can be accepted online at any time at the link, https://www.jcjc.edu/alumni_foundation/day-of-giving/ To keep track of the progress goals are reached, follow us on social media at Facebook-JCJC Alumni and Foundation, Instagram @jc_foundation_alumni/, Facebook-Jones College, and Jones College-Twitter or “X”. For more information contact the Jones College Alumni and Foundation Office at 601-477-4145.