ELLISVILLE – Fifty-six Jones College faculty and staff members were recently honored for their years of service to the college during a special Employee Appreciation program. Administrators and the JC Foundation treated the Jones College faculty and staff to a spring luncheon and awards ceremony. JC administrators honored employees for their service at five-year increments, beginning with those who have served at least five years.
Topping the number of service years was Bonnie Warren with 45-years being employed in various roles at Jones College. After Warren graduated from JCJC, she began working in I.T., then the Registrar’s Office and Student Affairs. She is currently serving as the Director of Enrollment Operations.

Social Science instructor, Stacy Ruth and Jones College President, Dr. Jesse Smith (right) were honored for working 30-years at the college during the Employee Appreciation Luncheon.

Four employees accumulated 25 years of experience working at the college, including guitar instructor, Dr. Michael Boyd; Dr. Corey Jones, Dean of the School of Business, Mathematics, and Technology and math instructor; Mike Cummings, Associate Degree Nursing Director and Pam Brownlee, Twin District Workforce Coordinator.

Honored for completing 20 service years in 2023, were eight employees: Shannon Odom-Testing Center; Lauren Bell-A.D. Nursing instructor; Kathryn Davis-Psychology instructor; Joel Cain-E.V.P. of Student Affairs; Anna Brashier-Burns-Family & consumer science instructor; Dr. Jessica Bunch-Math instructor; Dr. Joanna Cooley-Speech instructor and Missie Meeks-English instructor.

The group completing 15 service years consisted of eight employees: Dr. Caleb Smith-Geology/Social Science instructor; Crystal Nail-Alumni Affairs; Amy Myers-Practical Nursing Director; Jennifer Wood-Enrollment Management; Fawn Shoemake-CTE Dean Administrative Assistant; Sabrina Smith-Enrollment Management; Cynthia May-A.D. Nursing instructor and Rickey Gaddy-Maintenance.

Twelve employees began serving the college 10 years ago. Ashley Adams-AC/Refrigeration instructor; Jimmie Freeman-Maintenance; Greg Griffith-Electrical Technology instructor; Christina Nixon-Childcare instructor; Ryan Hearn-Civil Engineering instructor; Mark Walters-Biology instructor; Tim Morris-English instructor; Tommy Freeman-Welding instructor; Susie Polk-Environmental Safety; Bobby Dykes-Campus operations; Teresa McDonald- Dean of the School of Health Sciences and Chantra Parker-Health Care Assistant instructor.

More than five years ago, 21 people joined the Jones College family. The honorees included Dr. Brittany Barron the Title IX Coordinator and radiology instructor, and LaTrece Evans, who works in external marketing. Also honored were Reed Walters who works at the Wayne County Center as the Out of School Youth instructor and Adult Education instructor, and Cindy James, the Technical Assistant for the Out of School Youth program in Greene County. From Enrollment Management, Taryn Tyree, Rachel Jefcoat, Aubrey Phillps and Hanna Burnette were celebrated. Football employees, Kwesi Drake, Brian Hudson, David Queck and Steven Hall, along with Head Softball Coach, Tori Dew were all honored. In Information Technology, John Robertson and Daniela Deviney were recognized, in addition to Greg Smith in maintenance, Melissa Garretson in Career Pathways, Alexis Rambo in the library, and Darel Parker in Environmental Safety. Welding instructor, Mason Cook and A.D. Nursing instructor, Sara Purvis, were also honored for completing five years of service at Jones College.
Each honored employee was given a special item designed for each level of achievement: 5 years-small plaque; 10 years-large plaque; 15 years-clock; 20 years-small acrylic trophy; 25 and 30 years-medium acrylic trophy and 45 years-large plaque.