ELLISVILLE – With the overwhelming response from the public attending the Jones College Christmas Tree Lighting and musical performance, the Laurel Salvation Army has been able to provide enough toys for everyone but 10 Angel Tree children. More than one hundred new, unwrapped toys were collected for the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program as admission to Jones College’s Christmas program. Salvation Army Captain, Keisha McMullin said the Angel Tree Program is personally dear to her heart since she was a recipient as a young child.
“The Salvation Army Tree program is a program where I get the opportunity to serve the kids in the community and give back like someone gave to my family when I was a baby. The 461 children who signed up for the program will hopefully have a happier Christmas because of the community and Jones College’s generosity,” said Captain McMullin.

She is encouraged that all the Angel Tree children will have a joyous Christmas partly because of the generous donations from the audience at the December 1, program at Jones College. Donations for the Angel Tree Program can be received until December 9, at the Laurel Salvation Army Office. If you want to fill the wishes of the remaining Angel Tree Children found at the Sawmill Square Mall, those gifts need to be returned by Friday, December 9.
Gift suggestions include toys, sports equipment, board games and plush animals. All the donations will be given to children in our area this Christmas. Necessities and Christmas gifts are provided for disadvantaged children from infants to age 12, through the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program in Jones, Jasper, Wayne, Clarke, Smith and Simpson counties. For more information about the Angel Tree project, go to https://salvationarmyalm.org/