ELLISVILLE – Jones College’s School of Art, Music and Performance and the Salvation Army invite the public to join its celebration of, “Christmas Peace, Hope and Joy!” on Friday, December 1, at 7 p.m. in the M.P. Bush Fine Arts Auditorium. Admission to the celebration of Christmas is a new, unwrapped toy to be donated to the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree toy drive to enjoy performances by the Jones College’s Concert Choir, JC Jazz, Jones OnStage, JC Voices, and the ever-popular, 4-hand piano performance by Dr. Theresa Sanchez and Dr. Victoria Johnson along with a few guest performers. Following the indoor performance, the night will end with caroling around the Christmas Tree on the C.L. Neill Student Center Plaza.

“The focus this year is on sacred music with a modern twist. We’ll do some contemporary and sacred music with a pop element to it. The focus is on the joy of Christmas, the hope of Christmas, and the peace of Christmas, with three movements performed within a 70 to 90-minute time frame,” said Dean of the School of Art, Music and Performance, Bruce Smith. “There will be some classic songs like, “Silent Night” that will expand into the other elements of a hopeful season before moving into my favorite time, the joy of Christmas and you know it is going to be an unconventional joyful ending!”
The Salvation Army toy drive is an excellent opportunity for our students and community to give back at a time when it’s really critical. This is one way for students to feel a connection to the community. Gift suggestions include toys, sports equipment, board games, and plush animals. All the donations will be given to children in our area this Christmas. Necessities and Christmas gifts are provided for disadvantaged children from infants to age 12, through the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program in Jones, Jasper, Wayne, Clarke, Smith and Simpson counties.

For more information, call the Jones College of Art, Music and Performance Office at 601-477-4203 or follow Jones College’s Art, Music and Performance Facebook Page and Twitter. For more information about the Angel Tree project, go to https://salvationarmyalm.org/