ELLISVILLE- Bad weather and the numerous holiday activities could have distracted many from contributing to the Jones College Day of Giving. However, this years’ donations exceeded the expectations of the Jones College Alumni Foundation. The Foundations’ fundraising effort, which continued past the National Day of Giving, netted $108,325.66, which coordinators are amazed and very thankful for its generous donors.
“Last year, $71,000 was raised to help the Foundation support the college in its educational endeavors. The number of new scholarships endowed this year is what put us way over the top. These new scholarships not only memorialize or honor someone, but they also create a legacy which lives on through the college and its students,” said Amie McQueen, Jones College Assistant Vice President of Advancement.
Diane Bohannon Smith of Laurel was one of the JCJC alumni who gave in a big way this year. The 1975/76 JCJC football cheerleader chose to honor her brother, Dennis Bohannon on this Day of Giving by endowing a scholarship in his honor. Bohannon taught math at West Jones High School and coached girls soccer for 26 years in addition to compiling the high school football stats every Friday. The former JCJC baseball and football player passed away November 7, 2020, prior to being named a Jones College Honor Alumni in 2018. Both of Bohannon-Smith’s two kids attended Jones College. Diane thought establishing the Dennis Bohannon Athletic Memorial Scholarship would be the best way to honor her brother’s legacy.
“Dennis just loved kids, Jones College, and he was all about community. He was a businessman and opened and managed the KarmelKorn Shoppe/Popcorn Place in the mall with our parents, for 28 years,” said Diane. “Dennis and I came to JCJC a year apart. He loved Jones and he gave to the Alumni Foundation faithfully. For decades he gave a donation of $85.22 monthly which were his football and baseball jersey numbers. He thought it was important to support the college and donate.”

Also giving in a “big way” was Howard Patrick of Ellisville. The 1977 JCJC alumnus endowed a scholarship in memory of his favorite JCJC history teacher, John R. Klem III. Currently teaching history at South Jones High School, Patrick explained Mr. Klem had a major impact on his life. He died in the line of duty as a Forrest County Deputy in 1985 at the age of 44. Klem taught history in addition to being a craftsman, a pastor, a law enforcement officer, a husband, and a father to three children.
“I wanted to endow this scholarship in Mr. Klem’s memory and in his honor. Maybe his legacy will continue here at Jones College, and it will mean as much to some other folks as Mr. Klem meant to me,” said Patrick. “I always loved history, but Mr. Klem just made it much more interesting. Now, I’ve been teaching history for 22 years and I try to emulate him.”
Every donation, large and small, makes a difference. Jones College students sold bow ties and covered the Bobcat statue on the Pedestrian Plaza hoping to “pay it forward.”

Foundation scholarship recipient and freshman at Jones College, Aubrey Register of Ellisville shared, “I have a Foundation Scholarship which paid for my tuition. I think everyone should be a part of this Day of Giving event. It’s a great college offering great opportunities for students.”
This was the third year Jones College participated in the national Day of Giving event in an effort to continue the mission of the Jones College Foundation, Inc. While the Day of Giving focuses on donations during one day, the Foundation accepts tax deductible donations all year online at https://www.jcjc.edu/alumni_foundation/giving-support/ or by calling the Foundation Office at 601-477-4145.