Summer classes begin at Jones College
ELLISVILLE – On the first day of the June summer session at Jones College, students and faculty were adhering to the CDC guidelines by wearing masks and keeping their distance. Everyone was screened upon entering campus at five different locations.
Two nursing majors, Rebekah Walters of Laurel and Andrew Wu of Hattiesburg were amongst the first Jones College students back on campus today. They started their day at 7:30 a.m.with Anatomy & Physiology.
Waynesboro residents, Hunter Grimes (top of truck) and Kaleb Brewer (right) began their first day of the June summer session in Jones College’s light-duty diesel repair program.
Welding instructor at Jones College, Billy Clark (left) gives tips to Alana Jolly of Clinton as she works on her A.W.S. national welding certification this summer.
Dr. Matthew Burnham began the first day of the June summer session at Jones College with his students in the Principles of Biology class.
Several Jones College students began the first day of the June summer session at Jones College in Dr. Corey Jones’ math class.
Jones College celebrates “Bobcat Revolution” at Homecoming 2019
ELLISVILLE – Plans are underway to make Homecoming at Jones College a special event. The weekend of activities will incorporate the Homecoming theme, “Bobcat Revolution” beginning with the student Homecoming pep rally on Thursday, October 3, at 7 p.m. at the Lake. The “glow pep rally” is sponsored by the Student Government Association and will provide glow-necklaces and glow-sticks for everyone in attendance. This event will be canceled if there is inclement weather.
On Friday, October 4, the Homecoming festivities begin at 5 p.m. with the JCJC Class of 1955 Reunion Dinner in the C.L. Neill Student Center Banquet Hall. Please make reservations by September 25, by calling the Alumni and Foundation Office at 601-477-4145.
Homecoming Day, Saturday, October 5, is slated with numerous activities for a day of fun for all ages. Events will begin at 9 a.m. with a brunch for alumni and friends at the Terrell Tisdale Library. Members of the Ellisville High School Reunion for the 1960-1965 classes, and the JCJC 1979 Football Team and Cheerleaders reunion are invited to register for their reunions during the brunch.

At 10 a.m. the JC Homecoming Parade will wind through the streets of Ellisville and the campus, beginning at the Terrell Tisdale Library. The parade features floats made by the student body incorporating the theme, as well as the Maroon Typhoon Marching Band, JC cheerleaders, Touch of Gold, and the 2019 Homecoming Queen and her court. Parade Marshals are the 2019 Honor Alumni, Tim Lawrence, Brittney Pickering, Earl Reynolds and Reggie Smith.
At 10:45 a.m., the public is also invited to join the Jones family for a pep rally following the parade, in front of the C.L. Neill Student Center. At 11:30 a.m., the JCJC Alumni Luncheon will be held in the A.B. Howard Gymnasium. During this luncheon, four JCJC alumni, Tim Lawrence, Brittney Pickering, Earl Reynolds and Reggie Smith will be honored. Reservations for the luncheon can be made through the Alumni and Foundation Office at 601-477-4145 or by emailing,
Before the game, the Ellisville High School Reunion Classes and the JCJC Reunions are invited to join the “Tailgating under the Tents” at the Sim Cooley Football Field, near the Tennis Complex beginning at 11:30. The cost is $10 per person with a reservation deadline of September 25, by calling 601-477-4145.
The Homecoming pre-game festivities will begin at 1:30 p.m. with the marching band’s pre-game show on the Sim Cooley Football Field at Bobcat Stadium. The game against Pearl River Community College will begin at 2 p.m.
At halftime, the Homecoming Court will be presented with the crowning of the 2019 Homecoming Queen. Also, during halftime, the 2019 Honor Alumni and the JCJC Class of 1969, will be recognized. The festivities will end with a performance by the Maroon Typhoon and Touch of Gold. For more information call the Foundation and Alumni Office at 477-4145 or email
Jones College sophomore art students are prepared to show work
ELLISVILLE – Eleven Jones College sophomore art students had the chance to display their art as part of the Sophomore Art Exhibit in the Eula Bass Lewis Art Gallery before graduation. The aspiring artists were also honored for their accomplishments at a reception hosted by the college. This Exhibit was the final opportunity for these graduates to show off their talents. JC art instructor Melanie Eubanks explained, to have graduates learn how to display their artwork in a gallery will prepare them for future exhibitions.
“We prepare them in all aspects of art from learning technique and the technical aspects of creating art, to learning how to best display their artwork. Students are taught how to display and label artwork, and how to arrange pieces of art to show. This is their opportunity to apply that knowledge before they graduate,” said Eubanks.
Sophomore artists who participated in the Sophomore Art Exhibit included Thomas Broadhead of Sandersville, Tyree Chapman of Hattiesburg, Mandy Dupree of Louin, Mirranda Oakes of Seminary, Jodie Pierce of Laurel, Nasya Pittman of Petal, Tyler Powe of Wayne County, Reagan Skinner of Wayne County, Trinity Stewart of Ellisville, Jessica Wade of Laurel and Alexandria Wittneber of Gulfport.
For more information about the JCJC art show or to arrange a visit to the gallery contact the gallery office at 601-477-4148. The Eula Bass Lewis Art Gallery is open Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., and Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. The gallery is closed for lunch daily from 11:30 until noon. If you want to know more about the JCJC Fine Arts Department check out the JC Fine Arts Facebook page at JCFineArts.