Ten Jones College students graduate “virtually” from Radiologic Technology
ELLISVILLE – Ten, new graduates of the Jones College Radiologic Technology program celebrated with their families, faculty and Jones administrators in a virtual, Ceremony of Completion. Mandy Pearson M.S. R. T. (R)., Jones College’s Radiologic Technology Director said this class has endured and persevered over the last two years overcoming several obstacles. Halfway through the program, all of the lab equipment was removed and replaced with new, state-of-the-art equipment thanks to a grant from the Asbury Foundation. This class has also adapted to the switch in instructional changes due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. However, Pearson said these students have pushed through each challenge successfully.
“They have remained focused and determined to get to this day. We are proud of the hard work and effort they put forth to earn their degrees. We are confident each student is prepared and will be successful on their A.R.R.T. Certification Examination to become Registered Radiologic Technologists,” said Pearson.
Students in health care programs were not allowed to attend their clinical labs with concerns about spreading the Coronavirus. Sara Sadler of Columbus said she never imagined a pandemic would affect the course of her education and graduation. However, the restrictions turned out to be blessings.
“My instructors made the transition from a traditional, in the classroom setting to an online format very easily and it was understandable. Providing the virtual face-to-face lectures, notes, videos and encouraging words prepared me to conquer my final semester at Jones,” said Sadler. “The interruptions caused by COVID-19 were blessings in disguise. Through the obstacles faced, I am more thankful for devoted instructors, I am more patient and understanding that good things take time and I am better prepared to enter the healthcare workforce.”
The virtual graduation ceremony recognized several students including Kelly Odom of Hattiesburg as the Academic Student of the Year. The honor of, Clinical Student of the Year was awarded to Emily McLaurin of Laurel. Brett Bounds of Moselle was awarded the Mississippi Society of Radiologic Technologists Scholarship and Taylor Bryant of Mize received the Mississippi Radiological Society Scholarship.
For more information about the Jones College Radiologic Technology program, http://www.jcjc.edu/programs/radiography/ or contact by email Mandy Pearson at mandy.pearson@jcjc.edu or Brittany Barron at brittany.barron@jcjc.edu.

Top of Class Honored by WDAM-TV and Jones College
ELLISVILLE- Jones College and WDAM-TV are continuing the tradition of honoring the Pine Belt’s Top of Class with daily feature segments on WDAM-TV. The Valedictorian and Salutatorians from two high schools are featured daily in a one-minute segment at 5:58 a.m. before News 7 Sunrise beginning on Monday, May 4, through June 5, 2020.
WDAM-TV and Jones College are proud to be able to continue the Top of Class tradition by honoring students with public recognition on TV, the WDAM-TV web page https://www.wdam.com/topofclass/ and local newspaper coverage.
Nearly100 high school students from 45 area schools have participated in the annual, special recognition program sponsored by WDAM-TV and Jones College, for more than 20 years. However, in following the CDC guidelines for gatherings, the event was canceled. Congratulations to the Top of Class 2020!
Jones College cancels “Kids’ College” summer camp
ELLISVILLE –Jones College’s Kids’ College summer camp has been canceled to ensure the college follows the CDC guidelines regarding the Coronavirus. The summer camp has been held the first week of June for the last 13 years for kids in first through six grades. Kids had the opportunity to check out college “courses” exploring science, health and art topics. All applications and checks received have been shredded for privacy. For more information, email program director, Missie Meeks at missie.meeks@jcjc.edu.
TEAS Testing rescheduled; Practical Nursing applications accepted now
ELLISVILLE- The application deadline for the Practical Nursing program at Jones College is June 1, 2020, at 4 p.m. Students needing the required TEAS Test that was previously canceled, has been rescheduled for May 26, 2020, from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m.
Applications and all documents (ACT score, transcripts, TEAS test score) need to be emailed to the practical nursing email: PracticalNursing@jcjc.edu Students with any questions or concerns can use the email, PracticalNursing@jcjc.edu or call 601-477-4101 for assistance. For further information about the Jones College Practical Nursing program, the webpage http://www.jcjc.edu/programs/practicalnursing/ describes the program and requirements for prospective students in detail.
Jones College offers discounted summer tuition
ELLISVILLE– As Jones College students finish the spring semester online, college president, Dr. Jesse Smith is encouraging students to continue their education this summer by offering a tuition discount. The summer term tuition will be discounted to $75 per credit hour or 40% off the full tuition price.
“By offering courses at a discounted rate, we hope it encourages students to continue their college plans, even if those plans are being modified by the impact of COVID-19,” said Smith.
The tuition discount is open to anyone who enrolls in summer classes at Jones College. While some programs have a different charge per credit hour, all courses, including vocational, technical and academic courses will be discounted 40% off from the full tuition price. E-books will remain $35 per credit hour.
“For prospective students who are new to Jones College, we offer assistance through our Enrollment Management Office. Each student works with an Admissions Counselor to select the schedule of courses that meets their needs. To complete an admissions application, visit our website at www.jcjc.edu/apply or to contact an Admissions Counselor, call 601-477-4257,” said Jones College, Executive Vice President, Dr. Finée Ruffin. “For returning students, enrolling for summer is as easy as meeting with their academic advisor. Advisors are offering meetings virtually and through phone appointments.”
To view the summer course listing visit http://class-search.jcjc.edu/ for any of the three summer term options, including the two four-week terms. Summer Term I classes begin Tuesday, May 26, and ends Monday, June 22. Summer Term II classes begin Monday, July 6, and ends Friday, July 31. Also, Jones offers one full summer term with classes beginning Tuesday, May 26, and ending Friday, July 31.
Students should also be regularly checking their JC email for official updates and communication concerning the new Learn from Home Model, as well as any other campus updates.