Jones College’s JC Voices performing spring concert in Laurel

FILE PHOTO 2020 JC Voices by Jeannie Meyer

ELLISVILLE – The Jones College select chamber choir, JC Voices will present its annual spring concert, Invictus at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, at First-Trinity Presbyterian Church in Laurel. After a year of enduring the restrictions and challenges brought on by COVID-19, from performing in empty concert halls when possible, to rehearsing through masks and face shields with reduced personnel due to quarantines, JC Voices will be performing a concert reflecting and honoring the unconquerable human spirit. The public is invited to attend this free event.

Conducted by Dr. Susan A. Smith, accompanied by Dr. Theresa Sanchez, and assisted by Mr. Gregory Wascoe, the theme of the concert, Invictus is based on a poem by Ernest Henley about the Latin term which translates to “invincible,” or “unconquerable,” which has been the motto of the ensemble this year.

“Regarding the poetry of Ernest Henley, and specifically, Invictus, Arthur Symons, a noted 19th-century poetry critic wrote, ‘Mr. Henley of all the poets of the day is the most strenuously certain that life is worth living, the most eagerly defiant of fate, [and] the mos’t heroically content with death.’ As expressed in the last lines of the poem by Henley, set for chorus by Joshua Rist, ‘I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.’  While the group has experienced many challenges this year, from school closures, COVID-19 diagnoses, quarantined members, family deaths, virtual and limited rehearsals with strict guidelines, and the uncertainty of when, or if, they would be able to perform live again, they have prepared an uplifting program of joy, faith, hope, and perseverance,” said Smith.

In addition to Invictus, accompanied by USM cellist, Alvaro Miranda, the chamber choir will sing comforting songs of “home going,” and “death” by Johann Sebastian Bach/Rhonda Sandberg and Stephen Paulus as well as uplifting selections from Paul Basler’s, Songs of Faith, accompanied by USM horn player, Robert Brandon. A variety of 20th-century pieces, from the French folk song J’entends le moulin to the contemporary favorite Light of Clear Blue Morning, sung by the JC Voices women, and the Scottish folk song, Parting Glass, sung by the JC Voices men, will warm your heart and give you hope during this time of uncertainty and isolation.  The Awakening, composed by Joseph Martin, concludes the concert with reflections of sadness, hope, celebration, and remembrance.

“Martin tragically lost his middle school choral teacher and his musical inspiration to a very violent death after a choral concert. This piece is written in honor of her and is composed in three sections, as described by Martin—the first a dream, or rather nightmare, where there is silence and despair, the second, a new day of hope and the end of silence, and the finale, a hymn of praise to the ‘Giver of Song.’ The final words of The Awakening, ‘Let Music Live,’ reflects the sentiment of musicians around the globe this year,” said Smith.

JC Voices dedicates the program tonight to all those who love, participate in, and support music.  Smith said she hopes the audience will never take it for granted and may we, like Ernest Henley, strive to be “unconquerable,” and “invincible.” For more information about how to support JC Voices or to be notified of our upcoming concerts and events, contact Dr. Susan A. Smith by email at, For more information about the Jones College Fine Arts Division call, 601-477-4203.

JC Voices 2021

Dr. Susan A. Smith Conductor

Dr. Theresa Sanchez Piano

Mr. Gregory Wascoe Vocal Assistant

Erin Biglane-South Jones High School, Ellisville

Chicago Collins-Brookhaven High School, Brookhaven

Brittney Darbonne-Northeast Jones H.S., Laurel

Michael DeCou-Jackson Parish, Jonesboro, Louisiana

Lydia Dees-South Jones High School, Ellisville

Hayden Dillistone-Laurel

Alyssa Garick-West Jones High School, Laurel

Savannah Greene-Sumrall

Peyton King-Sumrall High School, Sumrall Malorie

Monroe-Central Baptist School, Seminary

Stuyuncey Nobles-Laurel High School,

Laurel Jalen Poindexter-Murrah High School, Jackson

Anna Leigh Ragsdale-Mize Attendance Center, Mize

Janna Swanner-Taylorsville High School, Taylorsville

Michael C. Thompson-Laurel High School, Laurel

Bonner Welch-South Jones High School, Moselle

Jones College’s Concert Choir performing Easter concert in Laurel


ELLISVILLE – The Jones College Concert Choir is excited to return to the concert stage presenting a choral performance at Salem Heights Baptist Church in Laurel, on Sunday, April 18, at 6 p.m. It has been more than a year since the choir’s last concert performance at the First Baptist Church of Sharon. Although rehearsals and logistics have been challenging for the group to perform over the last year, Choral Director, Dr. Joel Dunlap said he is more than ready to let the public hear the talented 60-member group.

“We have missed performing for our community and are thrilled to be offering this concert after such a difficult year,” said Dunlap. “This recital will be an especially significant experience as we share the music of the triumphant Easter season.”

The public is invited to hear the concert featuring Easter selections such as, “Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise,” a spirit-filled gospel, “Let Everything Hath Breath” and the choir’s signature selection, “Ascription of Praise.” Additionally, the performance will feature a small women’s ensemble singing a variety of choral works. Assisting the choir is rehearsal assistant, Alexandra Arnold and Dr. Victoria Johnson is the choir piano accompanist. For more information about the Jones Concert Choir and chorale department, contact Choral Director, Dr. Joel Dunlap for audition and scholarship information at 601-477-4803 or by email, or contact the JC Fine Arts Department at 601-477-4203.

JC Concert Choir

Allee, Ashley-Purvis, MS

Ball, Victoria-Laurel, MS

Beech, Cameron-Laurel, MS

Beech, Darcy- Laurel, MS

Blakeney, Alexis-Laurel, MS

Brown Jr., Vincent-Hattiesburg, MS

Byrd, Hannah-Laurel, MS

Byrd, ZiKeya-Fruitdale, AL

Carmichael, Coriana-Laurel, MS

Clark, Kyra-Hattiesburg, MS

Collins, Chicago-Brookhaven, MS

Dailey, Abby-Waynesboro

DeCou, Michael-Jonesboro, LA

Edwards, Jackson-Decatur, MS

Evans, Alisa-Ellisville, MS

Gable, Haley-Laurel, MS

Gaines, Jaquelyn-Laurel, MS

Gainey, Adisyn-Waynesboro

Garick, Alyssa-Laurel, MS

Glenn, Cameron-Ellisville, MS

Green, Abigayle-Starkville, MS

Greene, Savannah-Sumrall, MS

Henderson, Hannah-Millry, AL

Holland, Jonah-Laurel, MS

Johns, Chandon-Ellisville, MS

Johnson, Dariyel-Greene County

Johnson, Tahj-Greene County

Jones, Petara-Laurel, MS

Jordan, Kristen-Laurel, MS

Joshua, Jourdan-Laurel, MS

Lampley, Kyra-Petal, MS

Lewis, Janna-Stonewall, MS

Lott, Madeline -Waynesboro, MS

Malone, Kelsey-Richton, MS

Manning, Hannah-Quitman, MS

Marsh, Colby-Petal, MS

McClendon, Clairrease-Ellisville, MS

Mims, Kadin-Laurel, MS

Monroe, Malorie-Seminary, MS

Murray, Brandon-Laurel, MS

Nobles, Stuyuncey-Laurel, MS

Pippin, Kambri-Laurel, MS

Poindexter, Jalin-Jackson, MS

Purvis, Jennalyn-Petal, MS

Ragsdale, Annaleigh-Taylorsville, MS

Rodgers, Samuel-Petal, MS

Jones College’s Greene County Center offers new electrical technology program

ELLISVILLE –Last fall, Jones College’s Greene County Center in Leakesville began a new program, electrical technology program after seeing a steady demand for qualified electrical technicians. Greene County Center Director and electrical technology instructor, Alan Cook said he is excited about this new program because the job prospects look great for graduates.

“Students can choose the two-year technical program or the four-semester, Associate in Applied Science route to graduate in a field with lots of options and jobs,” said Cook. “Students learn every facet of the business including wiring a residence to programming controllers for a major manufacturing plant.”

The electrical technology program trains students in general electrical theory, the National Electrical Code, residential, commercial and industrial wiring, electrical motor maintenance, motor control systems, programmable logic controls, solid-state motor controls and automated electrical systems. Graduates can earn from $28,000 to $95,000 in annual salaries in this industry.

“Our students work with the Mississippi Construction Education Foundation. As they complete the program at JC, they can earn national certifications in Core Construction, Electrical Level 1and Electrical Level 2 through the National Center for Construction which is an industry standard. These graduates should have no trouble finding good, paying jobs with these credentials,” said Cook.

For more information about this or any of the academic, career and technical, workforce or adult education programs contact Menyone Barrow by email, or call 601-477-4238 or browse the webpage:

Jones College’s music department hosts Spring Recital Series

ELLISVILLE – Music will fill the air once again on the Jones College campus during April. The musical feast featuring musicians from the region and music from around the world, composed centuries ago will be heard on Fridays in April at the Home & Health Auditorium. The annual Spring Recital Series begins on Friday, April 9, at 12:30 p.m. and will continue each Friday through April 30. All concerts are free and open to the public however, there will be limited seating to ensure social distancing and COVID-19 guidelines can be enforced. Masks will be required at all recitals.  For more information call the JC Fine Arts Department at 601-477-4203 or online at

On Friday, April 9, at noon in the Home and Health Auditorium, the Series opens with, the “Dueling Divas,” mezzo-soprano, Jeanette Fontaine and soprano, Roza Tulyaganova and Christy Lee accompanying on piano. The “divas” will perform a delightful program of operatic and Broadway arias and duets. A vocal masterclass will follow this recital for JC vocal students.

The Friday, April 16, performance of the Duo Cintemani will bring a “Renewal of Sound” at 12:30 p.m. in the Home and Health Auditorium. This colorful and engaging program features the performing duo of flutist, Rachel Ciraldo and guitarist, Nicholas Ciraldo.

“The Impromptu Piano Trio,” featuring Stephen Redfield on violin; Alexander Russakovsky on cello and Theresa Sanchez on piano, with classic chamber music from trios of Schubert and Turina, can be heard on Friday, March 23, at 12:30 p.m. in the Home and Health Auditorium.

The final recital on Friday, April 30, at 12:30 p.m., in the Home and Health Auditorium, features the heavenly harpists, Catherine Anderson of New Orleans and Rebecca Todaro of Baton Rouge. The program, “Quintessential Harp,” will consist of original and transcribed repertoire, showcasing both harpists in a conversation through repertoire from the ages.

Jones College continues mask mandates on campus

ELLISVILLE – Governor Tate Reeves’ recent Executive Order 1549 relaxes the mask mandates statewide,  however,  the mandate also clearly outlines that individuals shall wear masks inside school buildings and when on a school campus. Jones College and its Centers in Clarke, Greene, Jasper and Wayne County will continue to follow the previously established COVID-19 guidelines which includes wearing masks.

Visitors and Jones College faculty, staff and students are asked to continue to follow mask and social distancing requirements at all Jones College locations to remain in compliance with state mandates and to protect the Jones College community. These campus mask requirements and other COVID-19 related policies will remain in place through Friday, March 12, 2021.

The Jones College COVID-19 Taskforce will continue to discuss additional COVID-19 protocols regarding classroom meeting allowances, on-campus gatherings, and event capacities. For more information go to the website,