Jones College’s Pharmacy Technology program is accepting applications

ELLISVILLE– Jones College’s Pharmacy Technology Program is now accepting applications for the fall 2021 semester, with a priority deadline of May 1, 2021.  Applications can be downloaded from the website at or by calling the department at 601-477-4230.

The JC Pharmacy Technology curriculum is a two-year program which combines classroom instruction, laboratory work, and clinical experience to prepare students for employment and advancement in the pharmacy field. Admission requirements for the program include a high school diploma or GED, a minimum score of 17 on the ACT, and a background check. The student will obtain an Associate of Applied Science degree after successfully completing the program and will be eligible to take the National Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam.

The Mississippi Board of Pharmacy requires technicians to register with the board.  The focus of the JC program is for students to earn an associate degree in Pharmacy Technology and to prepare for the National Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam. JC has maintained a successful passing rate for the exam.

The Pharmacy Technology program at Jones is designed to train a technician to work in each type of pharmacy setting and to proficiently perform each task. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of pharmacy technicians is projected to grow 4-percent from 2019 to 2029, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Employment projections data for pharmacy technicians, 2019-2029 is 437,600. 

The population is aging, and older people typically use more prescription medicines than younger people. Higher rates of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, among all age groups also will lead to increased demand for prescription medications. Advances in pharmaceutical research will allow for more prescription medications to be used to fight diseases. In addition, pharmacy technicians will be needed to take on a greater role in pharmacy operations because pharmacists are increasingly performing more patient care activities, such as giving flu and vaccine shots. Technicians will need to perform tasks—such as collecting patient information, preparing more types of medications, and verifying the work of other technicians—that were previously done by pharmacists.

Students will learn pharmacology, pharmaceutical compounding, dosage calculations, pharmacy management, pharmacy law, therapeutic classification of drugs, drug use and abuse, trade and generic nomenclature, medical transcription abbreviations, and healthcare devices utilization. Through classroom and laboratory instruction, students will learn methods of drug preparation, packaging and distribution, and the function and services provided by retail and hospital pharmacies.  The technician will be prepared to transcribe physician orders, prepare, dispense, and deliver orders, prepare admixtures of intravenous solutions, maintain inventory control, replenish pharmaceutical supplies, maintain patient records, and communicate effectively with patients, other healthcare providers, and third-party insurance agencies.  Practical experience in community clinical and retail settings will enhance the learning experience.

Graduates of this program will have the skills necessary for employment as technicians under the direct supervision of a registered pharmacist.  They will be qualified to assist and support pharmacists in providing health care and medications to patients in retail settings, hospitals, home health care, nursing homes clinics, nuclear medicine settings, and compounding pharmacies. Non-traditional employers will also include medical insurance companies, drug wholesale companies, medical computer software vendors, and drug manufacturers.

For more information call 601-477-4230, or email Tracey Parker at: or Stephanie Jones at: or visit the website at: Program applications can be found at:

Jones College art students earn top honors at State Art Competition

ELLISVILLE-Four Jones College art students earned top honors at the Mississippi Community College’s Annual Art Show and Competition. Art instructor, Melanie Eubanks said she is especially proud of these students this year.

“I couldn’t be happier for and prouder of these Jones College art students who won awards at the Mississippi Community College Annual Show. During any semester, winning these awards is impressive, but they did it during a pandemic. All the artwork submitted for competition was made in the past year. They have got a lot of grit!” said Eubanks.

Mount Olive’s Josie Russell won Best of Show honors with her ceramic piece of art, “Anxiety,” a white rabbit.

“Getting the Best of Show ribbon means a lot to me because I’ve been doing art since I was little, and this is the biggest prize I’ve won!” said Russell. She admitted, “I haven’t worked in ceramics before coming to Jones College; I’ve been focused on graphic design. So, I was really surprised I won.”

Russell added that she was surprised to win the overall Best in Show ribbon considering there were entries from hundreds of community college students which were interesting and there were some outstanding realistic paintings.

“I was inspired to create the rabbit as part of an assignment, aspects of the self. I love animals and details and that’s how this piece came about,” said Russell.  She hopes to continue to use her art skills to help the family Christmas Tree Farm, Making Memories after finishing her education.

Also exploring her artistic skills was third place winner in the Drawing category, Brittney Sanderson. The Ellisville resident said she usually focuses on being detailed in her designs. However, she took a different approach to the winning charcoal drawing, “Woman.”

“This piece was very expressionistic which I’m usually a little more detail-oriented in my art,” said Sanderson. “It was outside my comfort level, but it was fun. When I won, I was surprised because it wasn’t one of my more detailed pieces.”

Taking third place in 3-D Design was Sandersville’s, Hannah Mattison. Her artwork, “Defying Gravity” was partly inspired by her teacher, Mark Brown.

“Initially I was going to make it a teardrop but he suggested the opposite, fire. I added feathers to add to the look. Art is subjective, so I was a little surprised my entry won but winning was the highlight of my week!” said Mattison.

Additionally, Jones College sophomore, Jacquelyn Smith of Richton earned second-place honors for her printmaking artwork, “Wooded Path.”  For more information about the Jones College Art program, check out the website:

Jones College’s Concert & Symphonic Bands perform live

ELLISVILLE – Jones College’s Concert and Symphonic Bands will be performing live before an audience on Thursday, April 15 at 7 p.m. in the Fine Arts Auditorium. This concert is free and open to the public.

The 55-member Concert Band is conducted by Dr. Lindsey Keay and will feature musical selections, “Swahili Folk Hymn” Arranged by Kevin Mixon, “Fiesta De Los Bravos” by James Swearingen, “Earthdawn” by Randall Standridge and “Lullaby to the Moon” by Brian Balmages.

Symphonic Band Conductor, Dr. Ben Burge has chosen four musical selections for his nearly 60-member band: “Flourish for Wind Band” by R. Vaughn Williams, “Lux Arumque” by Eric Whitacre, “Fanfare Hayabusa” by Satoshi Yagisawa, and “First Suite in E Flat, movement III, March,” by Gustav Holst.

“We are so excited to perform our first formal concert in more than a year!” said Burge. “The COVID-19 Pandemic forced the cancellation of all of our end-of-the-year events last spring. It left us all very disappointed and frankly, rather heartbroken. This concert will be very special to our students and our band staff as we will have some finality and closure, unlike last year. Our students have worked very hard to build a program that was both fun and educational to put together. I am very proud of them.”

Keay echoed Burge’s excitement about being able to share live music with an audience of friends and family again.

“Our students have done a great job rehearsing this literature. They are very excited to perform again on a stage and share this exciting music with their friends and family,” said Keay.

For more information about the Jones College Fine Arts Department or Band program, go to the website:

Symphonic Band

Mason Anglin, Mt. Olive

Lynda Bazor, Petal

Emily Bingham, Petal

Tyler Broadway, Laurel

Brandon Broome, Sumrall

William Brotherton, Bexley, Ohio

Sam Burcaw, Petal

Emma Burge, Oak Grove

Sawyer Campbell, Crosby

Takia Chapman, Quitman

Brandi Cooley, Lucedale

Baylee Cooper, Waynesboro

Tyshauna Ellis, Petal

Logan Evans, Laurel

Graeme Forrest, Richton

Sophia Gordon, Seminary

Tanner Grantham, Oak Grove

Zach Gregore, Petal

Chase Hall, Hattiesburg

Alston Harris, Vicksburg

Rachel Hawkins, Pulaski

Victor Heath, Petal

R.J. Hughes, Laurel

Summer Hughes, Laurel

Jared Jackson, Petal

Chandon Johns, Ellisville

Joshua Jourdon, Laurel

Kaitlyn Little, Oak Grove

Hannah Manning, Quitman

Madison Matthew, Seminary

Sidney Matthew, Seminary

Mary Miles, Oak Grove

Brandon Murray, Laurel

Madison Myers, Columbia

Dixie Pinkerton, Quitman

Kaitlyn Pruitt, Laurel

Raveon Pruitt-Lane, Laurel

William Purser, Oak Grove

Virginia Ramey, Mobile, AL

Ethan Robertson, Kokomo

Korrinn Robinson, Petal

Sarah Runnels, Petal

Haley Ryan, Oak Grove

John Scott, Oak Grove

Jacob Stevens, Vicksburg

Candice Still, Purvis

Andrew Suttle, Petal

David Thompson III, Laurel

Caleb Thompson, Hattiesburg

Dallas Trehern, Mobile, AL

Legend Waldrup, Laurel

Kayla Webb, Biloxi

Elijah Whitehead, Seminary

Concert Band

Shakeeb Anderson, Shubuta

Curtis Boleware Jr., Seminary

Christian Branch, St. Stephens, AL

Emily Briggs, Ocean Springs

Jeremy Corley, Meridian

Alexus Crosby, Laurel

Jarrett Darden, Seminary

Jasmine Decker, D’Lo

Michael Decou Jr., Houma, LA

Jacob Dickerson, Mize

Aubrey Dillon, Collins

Landrew Douglas, Pearl

Taikya Ducksworth, Taylorsville

William Eaton, Jackson

Jamie Eubanks, New Augusta

Anthony Evans Jr., Shubuta

Ke’Mya Evans, Shubuta

Emily Ford, Jackson

Jessica Gardner, Laurel

Alyssa Garick, Laurel

Davis Gibson, Madison

Sophia Gordon, Seminary

Russell Gunnell, Seminary

Caleb Harris, Jackson

Evonda Harvey, Morton

Mehgan Hebda, Poplarville

Mackenzie Herrington, Laurel

Jordan Holifield, Laurel

Cameron Holmes, Laurel

Marquez Hundley, Waynesboro

Summer Hughes, Mize

Colin Ingram, Pearl

Mary Kebodeaux, Richton

Alex Lee, Ovett

Jaiquan Lyons, Moss Point

Sandra Massey, Laurel

Stevonta Mayfield, Waynesboro

Sara-Beth McKellar, Vicksburg

Alexis Millwood, Brandon

Danielle Musgrove, Taylorsville

Marcus Nixon, Soso

Kristlyn Parker, Collins

Dixie Pinkerton, Quitman

Madilyn Pitts, Pachuta

Ines Rivera, Laurel

Robert Satcher, Enterprise

Savannah Satcher, Enterprise

James Schumann, Laurel

Kyyora Sidney, Laurel

Mason Skeen, Seminary

Cecil Smith, Shubuta

Miracle Smith, Shubuta

Hannah Summerlin, Soso

Gwyneth Vanvleck, Beaumont

Bonner Welch, Moselle

Trinity Williams, Brooklyn

Jones College’s Honors Institute’s namesake, retired U.S. Federal Judge Charles Pickering challenges students and “cancel culture”

ELLISVILLE – Today’s issues are similar but different according to retired U.S. Federal Judge, Charles Pickering. He proceeded to share with Jones College students selected to be a part of the Honors Institute which bears his name, some of the issues he faced. Growing up in what he considered to be the “best decade,” the 1950s, Judge Pickering said the 1960s civil rights era was very different. After witnessing brutal acts against “young blacks” at a lunch counter, Pickering admitted to Jones College students is what led to his decision to take a stand in the civil rights debate.

The Jones County native and 1957 Jones County Junior College graduate said, “I couldn’t remain silent any longer. I had to choose sides and I didn’t consider anything else. I had to stand up for the rule of law,” said Pickering.

As the Jones County Attorney in 1963, the KKK took notice of his stand with minorities and threatened him. The KKK’s Imperial Wizard, Sam Bowers lived in Laurel and was convicted for the murder of Vernon Dahmer who led the fight for voter rights for African Americans. However, despite helping minorities fight for their rights, Judge Pickering was depicted as a racist in 2001, when President George W. Bush nominated Judge Pickering to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. He had been serving as the U.S. Judge for the Southern District of Mississippi since 1990, after being appointed by President George H. Bush. With his confirmation stalled in Congress, in January 2004, President George W. Bush recess appointed Judge Pickering to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. He was forced to retire in December 2004, after the Senate adjourned without confirming him to the federal bench.

“The Democrats filibustered, and I had to retire because I didn’t get confirmed. They made it a political-racist issue, despite support from the NAACP,” said Pickering.

His story caught the attention of Mike Wallace at CBS’s “60 Minutes” news program. Judge Pickering also shared details of his experiences with the “broken judicial confirmation process” in two books he authored: Supreme Chaos, The Politics of Judicial Confirmation and the Culture War in 2006 and, A Price Too High, The Judiciary in Jeopardy in 2007.

While progress with racial reconciliation continues today, Judge Pickering noted this generation faces some issues he hoped would be resolved or farther along. JC student, Jordan Scott of Bay Springs said she was impressed with Judge Pickering’s persistence in standing up for what was not popular in his day. While her generation is forced to deal with discrimination via the Internet, she said she is thankful for the progress the U.S. has made over the years and acknowledges more needs to be done.

“As the ‘land of the free and home of the brave,’ we should be farther along in the fight for racial equality and reconciliation. These issues should not be just another box waiting to be checked on the ‘To-Do List.’ I hope that in the upcoming years we can successfully operate as a more diverse, unified country,” said Scott. “Not only should there be the acknowledgment of wrongdoings and reconciliation for African Americans, but there should also be acknowledgment and reconciliation for all minority groups.”

Living in the South has put race relations front and center, said JC sophomore, Faith Houston of Laurel. She believes forgiveness and communication will be key to improving race relations. Yet, she adds there is no such thing as “race” except the human race.

“We are One Blood, One Race. One Blood is something I get from my Christian worldview. The Bible does not use the word ‘race’ in reference to people. Instead, it describes all human beings as being of ‘one blood’ in Acts 17:6 KJV. Terms such as these emphasize that we are all related, from one family, the descendants of the first man and woman,” said Houston.

Judge Pickering declared in his presentation, “Racism is not systemic. Since the 1960s, secularists used free speech to be successful in changing the culture of our nation. Now, these secularists use free speech to change culture and silence Christians. The First Amendment is not to prohibit Christians, churches, from one thing. It prohibits the government from interfering with religion.”

After citing several examples of how the “cancel culture” can lead to the demise of the United States by stifling innovation and advances in society, Judge Pickering challenged students. He encouraged the audience to be the best they can be, take on bigger projects than themselves and then the Judge quoted Winston Churchill, Britain’s leader during WWII.

“In all things big and in all things small, never, never, never give up! Do your best to be an ambassador for freedom in our society and get involved.”

These challenges, Houston said, were ideas her parents instilled in her and they have led her to volunteer in her community and in political campaigns.

“This is also why I will continue to try to be my best self and never quit, as I finish college to continue to make a difference in my community in the health field,” said Houston.

For more information about Jones College’s Charles Pickering Honors Institute, check out the webpage,

Jones College honors Sarah Ishee, Mississippi Humanities Teacher of the Year  

ELLISVILLE – Jones College administrators and faculty honored American History instructor, Sarah Ishee and presented her with an acrylic award and check from the Mississippi Humanities Council for being selected as the college’s 2020-2021 Mississippi Humanities Teacher of the Year. As part of the celebration, Ishee’s presentation,” The Southernization of America,” was viewed “virtually” via the Jones College website, and on YouTube, for the first time, to ensure COVID-19 restrictions could be followed.

“To say this is an honor is an understatement,” said Ishee. “I really appreciate everyone’s support because I absolutely love what I do for a living. Teaching history and working with students is my calling. I take a lot of pride in my work.”

Ishee’s presentation bypassed focusing on the historical horrors of Southern history, including racism and low socio-economic issues and highlighted the positive, Southern influences across the U.S. and the rest of the world. The spread of the southern culture in the 21st century, especially through music and food was quite evident in Ishee’s research.

“While the south was often labeled as an undesirable variation of the American culture, in recent years it has become increasingly obvious that the south is just the opposite. It’s actually the heartbeat of our country in some respects. Many practices or interests that were once specific to the south are now widespread throughout America,” said Ishee.

The Ellisville native explained the integration of American sub-cultures happened partly because of the media influx, especially social media and because of the transient nature of the American population. Additionally, the invention of air conditioning made the south more appealing to more people and in effect, reshaped the culture of major metropolitan areas and the coast.

“Two out of three southerners are urban people…based on early returns of the 2020 census. The transformation of the south is to an extent a transformation of an urbanized society. Out of the 20 largest cities/metro areas in the U.S., eight are located in the south and many of the family’s income is increasing more rapidly in southern metro areas, further closing the gap in the north. In other words, southerners are on par with other areas outside the southern region,” Ishee shared.

In music, Ishee noted that country music was considered the “voice of the south” but now, you can find thousands of country music radio stations across the nation. Its stars are also diverse, speaking to the heart of the American lifestyle as the genre appeals to a more diverse audience. Also, musical influence from country cross-over stars from hip hop and rap are mostly based in the south. By the mid-2000s, Ishee noticed artists from throughout the south had begun to develop mainstream popularity, just like southern cuisine has become more popular across the world.

“There are several food staples of the south you can now find almost anywhere,” said Ishee. “Even though BBQ has been an American staple since colonial times, Southerners perfected the art of BBQ…and fried chicken is truly a southern dish. Thanks to fast-food restaurants and the transient nature of our population, we have brands that focus solely on fried chicken…across the U.S. and the world.”

Sweetened tea during brewing, Ishee discovered is truly a southern tradition. While northerners sweetened their tea, it is usually after the brewing process. Concluding her presentation, Ishee said while southern influences are apparent across the nation, the south has also changed. Quoting American sociologist, John Shelton Reed, Ishee shared his observations about the similarities between the south and the rest of the country.

“The south has no monopoly on racial and religious hate. More crosses are burned outside the south than in it and swastika painting has never gone down well in a region as patriotic as the south. Moving in the right direction, the south must admit its shortfalls in regard to racial inequality and socioeconomic issues. But so, must the rest of the U.S.,” Ishee shared in her presentation for the Mississippi Humanities Council.

Ishee has been teaching primarily American History and Western Civilization classes at Jones since 2009. After graduating from the University of Southern Mississippi in 2005, she began working at Jones College in the Student Accounts and Financial Aid Offices while also working on her Master’s in History Education at William Carey University. In 2009, Ishee was promoted to Registrar and Assistant Director of Admissions & Records before becoming a full-time instructor in 2014.

Besides teaching and advising PTK students, Ishee is an advisor for the group she assisted in founding, the Jones College Historical Society. She is also a certified, Leadership Development Studies instructor for the Honors Humanities course. The 2002 Jones College graduate is also a member of the Mississippi Historical Society, Mississippi Professional Educators and Phi Theta Kappa Alumni Chapter.