Jones College Symphonic Band debuts new music dedicated to the band and Dr. Ben Burge
ELLISVILLE – The Jones College Symphonic Band was recently commissioned by retired band director and composer from Gulfport, Greg Fhiaras to record one of his new works called, “Tale of the Trolls.” Fhiaras dedicated the piece to the JC band and the Director of Bands, Dr. Ben Burge, who has decided to debut the music before a live audience at the Spring Band Concert on Tuesday, April 11, at 6:30 p.m. in the A.B. Howard Gymnasium.
“This is a first ever for the Symphonic or any band at Jones College to be recorded for a music publisher. It’s also the first time anyone has dedicated a piece of music to me!” Burge explained excitedly.
After rehearsing and recording the music in January, the band enjoyed it so much that Burge recently decided to add it to the concert line up.
“‘Tale of the Trolls’ has a mixed meter, and it has a variety of dynamics with some cool percussion work that we are eager to play for the public,” shared Burge. “One day, one of our students will run across this and remember playing this piece. I think that’s just cool!”
Initially, Fhiaras shelved the Troll piece after his mother became ill, until recently. Stepping out of his comfort zone, Fhiaras, who typically writes for young band students and small groups, realized the “Troll” piece was more complicated when he finished it.
“It’s probably the hardest piece I have ever written,” explained Fhiaras. “When I finished, I was amazed I wrote it! It reminded me of crazy dancing and a sad troll, and that’s partly why I named it, ‘Tale of the Trolls.’”
After working 11 of his 27 years in the Jones College district as a band director for Collins, Mt. Olive and Bay Springs, he was familiar with the JC Honor Band Clinics. As a college student, Fhiaras fondly remembers former Jones College band director George Arnold.
“The Jones College Auditorium was always a great place to play and I remember being amazed at the marching band in 1976, when I played for Gulf Coast Community College’s band. George Arnold transformed the band, and we were blown away. I knew George, (and former JC Band Directors) Sammy Barr and David Young, and I also know Dr. Burge is from the Pearl River area. In a way, he inspired the ‘Trolls’ piece,” said Fhiaras.
The Jones College Symphonic band has also recorded two other pieces for Fhiaras, “Horn Island March” and “A Festive Celebration.” He invited each of three community colleges, Co-Lin, Jones College and Pearl River to record three of his new musical pieces in an effort to promote community college bands. The new tunes by Fhiaras are expected to be published and recorded by the Texas music publishing company, Tux People’s Music, in May. For more information about the Jones College band program email or view the Jones College of the Arts, Music and Performance website at
Jones College’s Jasper County Centers’ Practical Nursing students serve the community
BAY SPRINGS – Jones College launched the Practical Nursing program at the Jasper County Center in August 2022. Since then, students have been learning new skills and preparing for their futures. Recently, they began applying their skills and knowledge during the first, “Community Days of Service” program, coordinated by instructor, Latisha Houze. Besides learning skills, Houze has also been reinforcing soft skills and communication techniques which are also vital keys to a positive relationship between health professionals and patients.
Houze explained, “As students learn theories and skills, we also want to ensure they have compassion and are courteous to those they are caring for and their families.”
Some of the events the Practical Nursing (PN) students and staff at the Jasper County Center hosted for the community included the first blood drive with Vitalant Blood Services in response to the blood shortage. The PN students coordinated the event, recruited the participants and monitored the drive. The success of the program was evident when the initial donation goal was surpassed. This group is making plans for next year’s blood drive.
Next on the “community service” list included PN students traveling to Bay Springs Elementary to present a nutrition lesson to kindergarten students. Using the popular children’s book, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” Jones College Practical Nursing freshman, Chelsea Butler of Stringer, said she hopes kindergartners learned about the importance of good nutrition.
“It is important to teach children the benefits of eating healthy, so why not do it in a fun way? The kindergarten students were so interactive and ready to learn, and they did a wonderful job of helping us decide which healthy foods to feed our caterpillar!” said Butler.
The Practical Nursing students also conducted a free, drive-through blood pressure screening in Bay Springs to conclude the first day of community service.
Grant Crowder, Director of Jones College’s Jasper County Center noted, “It is exciting to see the growth of the Jasper County Center and the growing opportunities for Jasper County students and residents.”
Additionally, Jones College’s Jasper County Center hosted a collaboration between the West Jasper School District’s Health Science program and the new Jones College Practical Nursing program students. High School students from Bay Springs and Stringer attended the event and were able to participate in simulated work environments and skill sessions taught by the PN college students. After demonstrating nursing skills to the high school students in a “mini” clinical setting, the JC students evaluated the high school students’ abilities.
Megan Welborn, Health Science instructor for West Jasper School District said, “We are so fortunate to have such a great healthcare program located in Jasper County. My Healthcare and Clinical Services students enjoyed working with the Practical Nursing students at Jones College so much that we plan to make this an annual event.”
The goal of collaboration for both the college PN and high school students was to gain knowledge through the “mini lab” sessions. JC students were also evaluated on the high school student’s performance.
If you are interested in any of the programs offered at the Jasper County Center, please call 601-477-5473 for more information or go to the website,
Jones College Practical Nursing Students-Jasper County Center
Sarah Thompson – Stringer
Kailya Pierce – Vossburg
Kiamilia Ross – Louin
O’Nett Booth – Collins
Madalyn Bynum – Ellisville
Anthony Steele – Bay Springs
Jordyn Harris – Bay Springs
Destinee Burton – Mize
Isabella Graham – Stringer
Chelsea Butler – Stringer
Lexi Sims – Bay Spring
Delayna Harris – Stringer
Chelsey Booth – Mt. Olive
Abi Kupperschmid – Stringer
Anna Dykes – Stringer.
Radionian brings home awards at annual state competition by Kelly Atwood
The Jones College Radionian staff received multiple awards at the Mississippi Press Association’s Education Foundation Awards Banquet, held in Jackson March 30.
The Radionian won five first place awards. Bryce Dupree of Raleigh won first place for Best General News Story, Megan Matthews of Richton won first place for Best Sports Feature Story, Olivia Norwood of Ellisville won first place for Best Feature Story, Montanah Middleton of Mize for Best Sports Photo, and Taylor Garretson of Leakesville and Donovan Williams of Ellisville for Best Use of Video.
Dupree also won third place for Best General News Story, Middleton won second and third place for Best Feature Photo, and the staff won third place for Best Website.
The General Excellence Award, which is awarded to one university and one two-year college each year based on the number of points earned in each category, had an unprecedented tie this year in the two-year college category. The Radionian and Southwest Mississippi Community College’s The Pine Burr tied for first place.
The awards were part of the O.C. McDavid Journalism Summit, which had guest speakers: attorney Haley Gregory, artist Candy Cain and media panelists Lyndy Berryhill with the Stone County Enterprise, Jackie Hampton with The Mississippi Link, Peter Imes with The Commercial Dispatch and Stephanie Patton with The Leland Progress.
The O.C. McDavid Memorial Fund is used to host the conference and is named after the late O.C. McDavid, former editor of the Jackson Daily News.
The Radionian is currently accepting applications for the fall semester for writers, photographers and videographers. Students interested in applying should email the advisor at
PHOTO: The Radionian class is pictured with their awards from the Mississippi Press Association’s college competition. Seated, left to right, editor Bryce Dupree of Raleigh, video editor Donovan Williams of Ellisville, Taylor Garretson of Leakesville, Olivia Norwood of Ellisville; standing, left to right, editor Kyle Manseill of Waynesboro, Jaylynn Conner of Waynesboro, Haley Shepherd of Petal, Isaiah Spradley of Laurel, Dylan Brennan of Puckett, Annaleigh Ragsdale of Mize, Lola Phillips of Ovett, Sheridan White of Laurel, Julius Green of Terry, Malia McDonald of Laurel, and editor Jennifer Shirley of Waynesboro.
Jones College students learn from artist and retired educator, Byron Myrick
ELLISVILLE – After teaching 34 years at Jones College and enjoying retirement for the last 17 years, Hattiesburg artist, Byron Myrick came back to his once familiar pottery studio at Jones College to wrap up his show, “Quilted” which was on display in March in the Eula Bass Art Gallery. He also took time to share some art wisdom with students, including a demonstration on his favorite pottery firing processes. The Past President and Co-Director of the Mississippi Art Colony, and Fellow member of the Mississippi Craftsmen’s Guild is known for his extraordinary work in the Japanese style of pottery known as Raku. The low-firing process is considered one of the most natural techniques, causing crackling because it goes from the firing kiln and into water. Raku translates to “happiness in the accident,” which inspired Myrick to explore ways to create art from the breakages which are common in Raku firing.
“The Japanese didn’t worry about what they were putting tea in, and this type of pottery is not good for storing food. It is a decorative style,” explained Myrick. “While creating pottery over the years, things would break, and I didn’t like it. Eventually, I just started breaking things, a controlled breaking and then I would piece the broken parts together artistically.”
This began a collection of his artwork called, “Quilted.” These pieces are influenced from his fascination with reconstructive archaeological findings of vessels seen in museums and the quilt.
“The quilt is a part of the southern heritage, constructed from many parts to make a whole, and functions as well as a decorative object. With my pottery pieces, I never know how this is going to happen, but I look for variety, size, and shape, assigning color, pattern, texture and marks to each piece. The shards are glazed and fired using the Raku firing technique, which enhances the surface and colors. Each piece is put back together using a strong epoxy,” Myrick shared.
Ellisville graphic artist, and Jones College sophomore, Jonathan Hayes was amazed by Myrick’s pottery skills. He fully respects artists and the skills used to create masterpieces.
“The level of mastery Mr. Myrick has is not something you can get in two courses or even after four years of doing this and nothing else. I don’t think I could do what he does and nothing else and reach his skill level and artistry,” said Hayes. “He showed us how he puts two pieces of pottery together in a modern way which is what I wanted to learn. I love ceramics way too much and I really enjoy making stuff!”
Buying the necessary equipment, pottery wheel and firing kiln, along with the glazes and clay can be expensive. Myrick suggests that students wanting to build a ceramics business should either buy used equipment or be patient; buying as you can afford it. Artist communities found in larger cities often combine resources allowing artists to make money until they can purchase their own equipment.
Myrick completed his undergraduate and graduate work in art at the University of Southern Mississippi and his work has been displayed at the U.S. Ambassador’s residences in Portugal by invitation of Ambassador John Palmer (2001-2009) and the “Arts in Embassies Program.” He was also privileged to be one of the many talented southern artists selected to exhibit their works in an exhibit titled, “My South, A Celebration of Southern Art,” held in New York City. His work is in many private and corporate collections throughout the South.
Boyd named Jones College Most Beautiful
Story by Kelly Atwood, Jones College Yearbook and Newspaper Advisor
ELLISVILLE – Summer Boyd of Laurel was crowned Most Beautiful at Jones College’s annual pageant, where she vied against 28 contestants to take the title.
Top Five were Taylor Garretson of Leakesville, first alternate; Halle Myrick of Petal, second alternate; Amberlyn Holifield of Leakesville, third alternate; and Kailee Pipkins of Richton, fourth alternate.
Top Ten also included Micaiah Sumrall of Quitman, Madison Temple of Pearl, Emma Kennedy of Taylorsville, Isabelle Halley of Mize, and Tristen Gendusa of Laurel.
The 2022 Most Beautiful winner, Natalee Ainsworth, returned to crown this year’s winner. Allyson Knotts emceed the event, and Jones OnStage performed during intermission. The pageant is a fundraiser for the college yearbook.
“The Student Affairs department were instrumental in this year’s pageant,” said Kelly Atwood, yearbook advisor. “It takes many people working together behind the scenes to make this event the success it is, but I want to give special recognition to Emily Sullivan, pageant director, for planning and running the event and Bruce Smith, dean of the college of art, music and performance, for making the location beautiful.”
Due to renovations of the Fine Arts Auditorium, this year the venue was moved to the A.B. Howard Gymnasium.