Jones College’s “Madrigals & More” concert at Laurel’s First-Trinity Presbyterian Church

Photos by: Jeannie Meyer Photography

 ELLISVILLE –Jones College’s Fine Arts Department invites the public to enjoy an evening of Renaissance music with the JC music department at its annual “Madrigals and More” concert, free of charge. The various small ensembles of JC students and faculty will be performing at First-Trinity Presbyterian Church in Laurel, on Tuesday, October 29, at 7 p.m. This special event spotlights a diverse group of performers from student ensembles and solos, to faculty solos, and faculty-student collaborations, featuring music from composers such as Claudio Monteverdi, Orlando di Lasso, Michael Praetorius, Josquin des Prez, Santiago de Murcia, George Frideric Handel, Tylman Susato.

Concert hosts, JC Voices, under the direction of Dr. Susan A. Smith will perform a variety of selections from the Renaissance, including the stately song, Pastyme with Good Companye, the famous German canon, Sing dem Herrn, and Innsbruck, I Now Must Leave Thee. This year, the madrigal singers will highlight French madrigals, motets, and chansons, while not overlooking the ever-popular English madrigal style of Thomas Morley and the historically significant English anthem by William Byrd, Sing Joyfully.

 In addition to the large ensemble, various small vocal groups and solos will be featured throughout the evening.  Dr. Michael Boyd, JC guitar instructor, will accompany JC students, Bonner Welch of Moselle and Shellie Roberts of Ellisville as they sing the beautiful duet Mignonne allons, voir si la rose. Drs. Boyd, Lindsey Keay, and Theresa Sanchez will also accompany JC student and soprano singer, Reagan Dukes of Laurel as she performs Monteverdi’s, Si dolce è’l tormento.

The audience will also hear somewhat rare instruments, like the harpsichord, played by JC piano instructor, Dr. Sanchez, and the lute, played by Dr. Michael Boyd. Additionally, the Clarinet Choir, Flute Duo, Saxophone Ensemble, and Brass Ensemble will perform led by instrumental conductors, Michelle Graham, Dr. Lindsey Keay, Dr. Ben Burge, and Dr. Patrick Richards.

For more information about “Madrigals and More,” or to find out how to support JC Voices or the Jones College Fine Arts Department call, 601-477-4203.

2019 Members of the Chamber Choir and Madrigal Singers

Kalyn Bales, Stringer

Erin Biglane, Ellisville

Ka’Lisha Carter, Waynesboro

Chicago Collins, Brookhaven

Brittney Darbonne, Laurel

Faith DeCastro, Guam

Lydia Dees, Ellisville

Hayden Dillistone, Laurel

Reagan Dukes, Laurel

Ty Evans, Laurel

Alyssa Garick, Laurel

Kyra Lampley, Laurel

Stephen Langley, Prentiss

Shara Lee-McSwain, Sumrall

Addison Nelms, Brandon

Stuyuncey Nobles, Laurel

Caleb Pearce, Ellisville

Shellie Roberts, Ellisville

Titan Singer, Long Beach

Tellas Smith, Laurel

Michael Thompson, Laurel

Bonner Welch, Moselle

1st “Day of Giving” at JC on Thursday, October 24

ELLISVILLE-The first official, “Day of Giving” at Jones College has been set for October 24, as an all-day event on campus to encourage faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends to help grow and continue the mission of the Jones College Foundation, Inc.  Foundation and college coordinators believe a “Day of Giving” appropriately secures the Foundation’s mission to continue to thrive and it supports the non-profit as it extends assistance to the college, the faculty and its students.

“The initial feedback we have received from faculty, staff, alumni and friends has been very positive and we expect they will rise to the occasion to give back to Jones. The impact made on this one day will go a long way with us all working together,” said V.P. of Advancement, Charlie Garretson.

The main purpose of this concerted effort has two goals explained Jones College Executive Vice President of CMO, CIO, CEMO, Finee’ Ruffin.

“First, build awareness of how the Jones College Foundation serves our students and our communities and second, to show how easy giving can be for our alumni and friends. Giving at Jones College directly benefits the students through scholarships, hardship assistance and even classroom and lab modifications.”

Alumni and friends are usually the first sources for assistance and that’s why many university foundations utilize similar giving events to support both large and small needs within their community. However, if you didn’t attend Jones College, many discover Jones touches their life in some way. Whether it’s through the Jones students working in hospitals helping with your care during their clinicals and as employees after graduation or the many professionals who become teachers, business owners, pharmacists, musicians, welders, engineers, or inventors, Jones College touches communities throughout the U.S. and the world.

“Jones automotive students are repairing ambulances for medical care in rural Africa through a special partnership. Forestry students are benefitting from our partnership with Sweden’s Haglöf Forestry and the athletes who come to America to play for JC, share their Jones experiences. The ‘Day of Giving’ is an opportunity for anyone to help Jones College continue to offer excellence in education and inspire another generation to share the vision Jones College established in 1911,” said Ruffin.

Donations can be accepted online at on Thursday, October 24, or by phone at 601-477-4145, from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., or by stopping by the Alumni and Foundation Office in Jones Hall on the campus of Jones College in Ellisville. Garretson has lined up competitions between the faculty in every division, and some businesses are offering “specials.” Entertainment is lined up for the Day of Giving which will culminate on campus during the last home football game against East Central, which begins at 7 p.m.

To keep track of the progress and when we reach the initial goal of $15,000, follow us on social media at  Facebook-JCJC Alumni and Foundation, Facebook-Jones College, Jones College-Instagram-Twitter. For more information contact the Jones College Alumni and Foundation Office at 601-477-4145.

“Treats in the Streets” at JC on Tuesday, October 29

ELLISVILLE- Jones College’s Office of Student Affairs and Student Government Association along with campus clubs, organizations, and the city of Ellisville will host the annual “Treats in the Streets” night of activities on Tuesday, October 29, 2019, from 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. The trick-or-treat trail event will be held on the front lawn area of Jones Hall. Admission is free unless otherwise noted, and the public is welcome to attend all events. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

From 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m., JC clubs and organizations will have treats and games available in front of Jones Hall. This event is for children ages 0 to 12 years, and all children must be accompanied by an adult to attend. Also, the JCJC all-you-can-eat cafeteria will stay open for dinner until 7:30 p.m. The cost for children ages 4 to 9 years of age is $4.50, and children ages 10 and adults is $7.25 (tax included). Taco Bell will be open until 9 p.m. & the Bobcat Grill will be open until 8 p.m.; both are located behind the A.B. Howard Gymnasium.  Other food items will be available for purchase from various vendors. 

The costume contests will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the center of the grassy area of Jones Hall for kids ages 0 to 12.  At 6 p.m. a costume contest for JC students will begin.

The annual Treats in the Streets celebration is an outdoor event and may be canceled or modified, if it rains or if the weather is not conducive for children. For more information, contact Dr. Tessa Flowers at 601-477-4845 or email:

Jones College receives $25,000 from PGT for Work Ready Initiative with Laurel High School

ELLISVILLE- A collective partnership with the Jones County EDA, Mississippi Power, and PG Technologies in Ellisville will help ensure some Laurel High School Students are successful at work and school. A $25,000 grant from PG Technologies to Jones College will allow the Work Ready Initiative the two-year college began for its career and technical students to be expanded to Laurel High School students.

“We’re sending an instructor to Laurel High School to teach the Smart Start class or soft skills to 18 students. This includes things like being at work every day and show up on time, resume´ building and financial literacy, to how to fill out an application. These are basic things students need to know to be successful in the classroom or the workplace,” said JC Dean of Workforce College, Jennifer Griffith.

Laurel High School principal, Michael Eubanks said this class will help Laurel High School meet its goal of supporting students to be successful because this is amazing support from the community and from Jones College.

“We really need to excel and swing the pendulum of our district and school to where we want to be. This is the momentum we need,” said Eubanks.

The eighteen students who successfully complete the class will earn dual credit, along with the national NCCRC certification and a Smart Start credential. Most importantly, PG Technologies managing director, Derek Hileman, said this training should open more doors for these students.

“The more we do now (to train people), the less we have to do when they are inside our doors working for us.  It’s critical they learn these skills. It is hard to find talent and we’re working with colleges and high schools, so we’ll all benefit in the long run,” said Hileman.

The check presentation was held in conjunction with the EDA’s Education in Industry Day partly because Jones College’s Work Ready Initiative was an idea resulting from the gathering of business and education leaders.

“Training today is very different in the workforce compared to 10 or 20 years ago,” said Sandy Holifield, director of the EDA of Jones County’s Existing Industry, Leadership Development & Workforce Training. “Educators need to know the difference and industry needs to express what they’re looking for, or what skills are important.”

Hileman said he encourages more businesses to support the efforts of the Work Ready Initiative and the Smart Start Class in the future. For more information about the Workforce College at Jones College call the Whitehead Advanced Technology Center at 601-477-4114.

Jones College named Best Two-Year College in Mississippi

ELLISVILLE – The Mississippi Business Journal has named Jones College as the “Best Two-Year College” in Mississippi.  Ranked first in the state among the two-year colleges, the publication honored college representatives, Executive Vice President of Chief Enrollment Management, Information Technology, and Marketing Officer, Finee’ Ruffin; Jones College President, Dr. Jesse Smith and Assistant to the President for Government Relations, Jim Walley at a special event held at the Old Capitol Inn in Jackson. Being the best is an honor Jones College President, Dr. Jesse Smith said reflects every employee’s hard work to ensure our students are successful.

“On behalf of our college faculty, staff, students, and board of trustees, we are delighted to be recognized for the quality of our work. Teaching the ideals of a democratic society, while at the same time ensuring our students are ready to enter the workforce or are prepared for university transfer is very challenging.  Receiving this recognition from the Mississippi Business Journal makes our efforts more worthwhile,” said Smith.

Among the recent accomplishments college officials cited as examples of success included the Gold Medal three Jones students earned at the National SkillsUSA competition after taking first place in the engineering and technology category in July, the college newspaper, the Radionian winning first place in the two-year newspaper category at the Spring National College Media Convention in New York City and the Associate Degree Nursing programs’ May 2019 graduates achieving a 100% pass rate on the NCLEX-RN exam. The 2019 MBJ’s Best of Mississippi listed the Top-3 in each of the 25 Best of Mississippi Business reader poll categories in it’s September 12, 2019 edition.