Jones College Associate Degree Nursing grads’ grit and support help them succeed

ELLISVILLE – Embarking on one of the most difficult professional programs, 27 Jones College Associate Degree Nursing students celebrated the completion of their studies at the Nurse’s Pinning and Graduation Ceremony. Jones College President, Dr. Jesse Smith commended the newest nurses for never “vacillating from the challenge” because of their grit.

“We’ve been educating students since 1911 and there is nothing harder than what these students have been through,” said Smith. “They have the desire, the grit and certainly the aptitude but they also have the support from you, friends and family, an entire network around them. Without you, they (the nurses) would not be where they are today.”

Ironically, a medical condition almost kept the class president, Kaneisha Fortenberry from realizing her dream of being a nurse. The Laurel resident began having unexplainable cardiac problems over the last three years, which led to visiting doctors from New Orleans to Jackson. However, she never wavered.

“It can be disheartening. I was almost unable to see this day but we’re overcoming,” said Fortenberry. “I’ll be starting in the cardiac bypass nursing unit and hopefully be a labor and delivery nurse. That’s my dream!”

After 10 years working in an office because of a medical condition, Sara Johnson of Laurel also thought her desire to be a nurse would be impossible to achieve. At 18 months of age, she was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, a lung disease which affects breathing and overall health. In 2019, a new medicine changed her life drastically, allowing the Laurel resident to reconsider following her nursing dream.

“Until I moved into the adult clinic at UMMC, I had the same nurses for 18 years caring for me and I looked up to them. I wanted to do what they did. These nurses gave me hope and they treated me like family. I want to really make a difference in patients’ lives, and they encouraged me to do so,” said Johnson.

Also, as a young mother, Johnson said her son, Benjamin inspired her to go back to school as a 32-year-old.

“Even though I haven’t been able to spend as much time with my family, it’s going to be worth it, and my son is seeing me follow my dream. I hope it encourages him. However, none of this would be possible without Brandon. He’s been the best husband through all of this!”

Associate Degree Nursing Program Director, Mike Cummings explained to the auditorium filled with friends and family, it takes a lot of hard work and effort to get to this day, the pinning and graduation ceremony. The next step is enduring the five-hour NCLEX licensure exam, after completing five semesters of 12-hour clinicals, six-hour labs and three-hour lecture classes. For Shelbi Sumrall of Laurel, the Covid-19 pandemic delayed her journey. Nonetheless, she’s excited about embarking on a career in the E.R.   

“I’ve been waiting for this day for a very long time because of some setbacks. It took a little longer than expected because I had to repeat a semester, because of Covid and because of some things going on, I didn’t do well in my classes,” said Sumrall. “However, I’m more confident now and will be a better nurse in the long run because of it.”

After working three years at Forrest General Hospital as a medical transporter, Dalton Jenkins of Piave explained the pandemic helped him discover his purpose.

“I transported hundreds of Covid patients. That didn’t bother me, it makes it more special because Covid kept some of my family and friends from seeing their loved ones. I could go into the patients’ rooms and speak to them or bring something to the nurse’s station for them. I got to be that ‘somebody’ when they are isolated.”

While his desire to be a youth pastor led him to the hospital to help people and job shadow, he realized being a nurse would be one of the paths he could take to help make a difference in someone’s life. Even before reaching graduation, Jenkins’ role as a Peer Mentor to the new nursing students at Jones College helped him in ways he didn’t foresee.

“Being a mentor really helped because if they asked me something I didn’t know, it helped me to learn. To teach, you have to know it really well, so it made me accountable. I really like being there for somebody. It also made me study that much harder,” said Jenkins.

Through all the long, challenging hours of studying, labs and clinicals, many members of the class became emotional seeing the support from family as they received their nursing pins and diplomas.

As Jenkins explained, “The last two years were challenging; sacrificing time with family and even sometimes church if there was test on Monday, while also trying to work. But that’s what makes it all the more rewarding today.”

At the conclusion of the Pinning and Graduation Ceremony, graduates participated in the Lighting of the Lamp, a nursing school tradition. This ceremony is a symbol of the passing on of knowledge from nursing faculty to graduates after receiving their official Nurse Pin with a Maltese Cross. For more information about the Associate Degree Nursing program at Jones College check out the website,

Associate Degree Nursing Fall 2022 Graduates

Destiny Bester , Picayune                  

Autumn Broadhead, Heidelberg        

Rachel Dearman, Brandon                 

Courtney DuBose, Columbia            

Kailyn Dukes, Laurel                        

Kaneisha Fortenberry, Laurel            

Kenadi Freeman, Waynesboro           

Chase Hall, Hattiesburg                    

Rondaisha Henry, Bay Springs         

Aja Hersey, Meridian                        

Dalton Jenkins, Richton                    

Sara Johnson, Laurel                         

Kailey Lawrence, Moselle                

Charlie Lowe, Monticello                   

Kaylyn McKinney, Raleigh              

Bridgette McLain, Leakesville          

Hope McNair, Collins                        

Kirsten Nicolosi, Hattiesburg            

Lindsey Patterson, Moselle               

Lauren Powell, Laurel                          

Annie Russ, Hattiesburg                   

Bethany Sanderson, Richton             

Shalena Scarbrough, Wiggins

Dalton Snow, Raleigh                        

Shelbi Sumrall, Laurel                      

Lauren Thompson, Laurel                 

Rebecca Yandell, Petal          

“Jones College Christmas” event helps Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program

ELLISVILLE – With the overwhelming response from the public attending the Jones College Christmas Tree Lighting and musical performance, the Laurel Salvation Army has been able to provide enough toys for everyone but 10 Angel Tree children. More than one hundred new, unwrapped toys were collected for the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program as admission to Jones College’s Christmas program. Salvation Army Captain, Keisha McMullin said the Angel Tree Program is personally dear to her heart since she was a recipient as a young child.

“The Salvation Army Tree program is a program where I get the opportunity to serve the kids in the community and give back like someone gave to my family when I was a baby. The 461 children who signed up for the program will hopefully have a happier Christmas because of the community and Jones College’s generosity,” said Captain McMullin.

She is encouraged that all the Angel Tree children will have a joyous Christmas partly because of the generous donations from the audience at the December 1, program at Jones College. Donations for the Angel Tree Program can be received until December 9, at the Laurel Salvation Army Office. If you want to fill the wishes of the remaining Angel Tree Children found at the Sawmill Square Mall, those gifts need to be returned by Friday, December 9.

Gift suggestions include toys, sports equipment, board games and plush animals. All the donations will be given to children in our area this Christmas.  Necessities and Christmas gifts are provided for disadvantaged children from infants to age 12, through the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program in Jones, Jasper, Wayne, Clarke, Smith and Simpson counties. For more information about the Angel Tree project, go to

“Day of Giving” exceeds expectations at Jones College

ELLISVILLE- Bad weather and the numerous holiday activities could have distracted many from contributing to the Jones College Day of Giving. However, this years’ donations exceeded the expectations of the Jones College Alumni Foundation. The Foundations’ fundraising effort, which continued past the National Day of Giving, netted $108,325.66, which coordinators are amazed and very thankful for its generous donors.

“Last year, $71,000 was raised to help the Foundation support the college in its educational endeavors. The number of new scholarships endowed this year is what put us way over the top. These new scholarships not only memorialize or honor someone, but they also create a legacy which lives on through the college and its students,” said Amie McQueen, Jones College Assistant Vice President of Advancement.

Diane Bohannon Smith of Laurel was one of the JCJC alumni who gave in a big way this year. The 1975/76 JCJC football cheerleader chose to honor her brother, Dennis Bohannon on this Day of Giving by endowing a scholarship in his honor. Bohannon taught math at West Jones High School and coached girls soccer for 26 years in addition to compiling the high school football stats every Friday. The former JCJC baseball and football player passed away November 7, 2020, prior to being named a Jones College Honor Alumni in 2018. Both of Bohannon-Smith’s two kids attended Jones College. Diane thought establishing the Dennis Bohannon Athletic Memorial Scholarship would be the best way to honor her brother’s legacy.

“Dennis just loved kids, Jones College, and he was all about community. He was a businessman and opened and managed the KarmelKorn Shoppe/Popcorn Place in the mall with our parents, for 28 years,” said Diane. “Dennis and I came to JCJC a year apart. He loved Jones and he gave to the Alumni Foundation faithfully. For decades he gave a donation of $85.22 monthly which were his football and baseball jersey numbers. He thought it was important to support the college and donate.”

Amie McQueen, Howard and Rebecca Patrick and JoAnna Newcomb

Also giving in a “big way” was Howard Patrick of Ellisville. The 1977 JCJC alumnus endowed a scholarship in memory of his favorite JCJC history teacher, John R. Klem III. Currently teaching history at South Jones High School, Patrick explained Mr. Klem had a major impact on his life. He died in the line of duty as a Forrest County Deputy in 1985 at the age of 44.  Klem taught history in addition to being a craftsman, a pastor, a law enforcement officer, a husband, and a father to three children.

“I wanted to endow this scholarship in Mr. Klem’s memory and in his honor. Maybe his legacy will continue here at Jones College, and it will mean as much to some other folks as Mr. Klem meant to me,” said Patrick. “I always loved history, but Mr. Klem just made it much more interesting. Now, I’ve been teaching history for 22 years and I try to emulate him.”

Every donation, large and small, makes a difference. Jones College students sold bow ties and covered the Bobcat statue on the Pedestrian Plaza hoping to “pay it forward.”

Aubrey Register and Cody Lowe

Foundation scholarship recipient and freshman at Jones College, Aubrey Register of Ellisville shared, “I have a Foundation Scholarship which paid for my tuition. I think everyone should be a part of this Day of Giving event. It’s a great college offering great opportunities for students.”

This was the third year Jones College participated in the national Day of Giving event in an effort to continue the mission of the Jones College Foundation, Inc. While the Day of Giving focuses on donations during one day, the Foundation accepts tax deductible donations all year online at or by calling the Foundation Office at 601-477-4145.

“Day of Giving” at JC equals opportunities

ELLISVILLE-The first official “Day of Giving” at Jones College was in 2019, as an all-day event on campus to encourage faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends to help grow and continue the mission of the Jones College Foundation, Inc. Three years later, JCJC Foundation’s coordinators believe a “Day of Giving” is even more important and is an opportunity to teach students about the importance of giving.

“The Bobcat Brigade students will be selling bow ties, in honor of Jones College President, Dr. Jesse Smith who enjoys wearing bow ties. A one-dollar donation to purchase a bow tie will help dress up the Bronze Bobcat in the C.L. Neill Student Center Plaza,” explained Assistant Vice President of the JCJC Foundation, Amie McQueen.  “Students are still in need of scholarships and assistance now more than ever. However, this year, we wanted to offer a fun way for our students to participate in giving.”

Securing the Foundation’s mission to help the college continue to thrive as well as supporting the non-profit as it extends assistance to the college, starts with the faculty and its students. Different departments are “fun-raising” as we join together in a one-day effort to raise funds to help ensure the future of our students and the institution.

“Last year, $71,000 was raised and it made a direct difference in 500 students’ lives with scholarships,” said V.P. of Advancement, Joel Cain. “Donations, large and small, help our students, staff, faculty and the college as a whole and this Day of Giving proved to be the best opportunity for everyone in the community to help its neighbors,” Cain said.

The main purpose of this concerted effort has two goals explained Cain: Build awareness of how the Jones College Foundation serves our students and our communities and second, to show how easy giving can be for our alumni and friends.

“Giving at Jones College directly benefits the students through scholarships, hardship assistance and even classroom and lab modifications. Everything raised is invested back into our students, faculty, staff and community in some way. Whether it’s an education, professional development, or anything vital in helping us carry out our mission, the JCJC Foundation is here to offer assistance.”

Alumni and friends are usually the first sources for assistance and that’s why many university foundations utilize similar giving events to support both large and small needs within their community. However, if you didn’t attend Jones College, many discover Jones touches their life in some way. Whether it’s through the Jones College students working in hospitals helping with your care during their clinicals and as employees after graduation, or the many professionals who become teachers, business owners, pharmacists, musicians, welders, engineers, or inventors, Jones College touches communities throughout the U.S. and the world.

Jones College athletes playing in national and regional competitions are gaining a world perspective from those experiences, while sharing their Jones experiences. The Foundation also supports the Fine Arts and many other departments on campus with various endeavors while enhancing education.

The ‘Day of Giving’ is an opportunity for anyone to help Jones College continue to offer excellence in education and inspire another generation to share the vision Jones College established in 1911. Tax deductible donations can be accepted online at on Tuesday, November 29, or by phone at 601-477-4145, from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m., or by stopping by the JC Alumni and Foundation Office in Jones Hall on the campus of Jones College in Ellisville.

To keep track of the progress and when we reach various goals, follow us on social media at Facebook-JCJC Alumni and Foundation, Instagram (jc_foundation_alumni/) @jc_foundation_alumni/,   Facebook-Jones College, Jones College-Twitter. For more information contact the Jones College Alumni and Foundation Office at 601-477-4145.

PRVEPA’s “Round Up for Education” awards 23 scholarships to JC students 

ELLISVILLE – Twenty-three Jones College students are able to continue their college education with tuition assistance from Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association’s “Round Up for Education” scholarship program. A check for $11,500 collected from PRVEPA members who rounded up their bills each month was divided amongst the Jones College students who each received a $500 scholarship.

“This scholarship really helped me with the opportunity to stay on campus,” said Patrick Smith, an engineering major from Oak Grove. “It’s convenient living on campus and I think it’s helped me with my grades by staying connected to others on campus. I’ve enjoyed the campus activities too.”

In all, 187 community college students from PRVEPA’s 12 county district received a financial boost this fall, thanks to the generous spirit and support of the Association’s members. For the last ten years, members who signed up for the Round Up for Education Scholars Program round up their bills to the nearest dollar each month, providing scholarships to 2,025 students. Scholarships are available to members who do the round up, as well as for their spouses or dependent children who are enrolled as freshmen in community college each fall.

“The Round Up for Education program is an example of how electric cooperatives, and their members can improve their communities through education,” said PRVEPA CEO/General Manager, Matthew Ware. “Education is vital to improving the future for all of us in south Mississippi.”

Additionally, Will Arinder from the Improve community of Marion County said he’s very appreciative of his scholarship but he’s even more thankful for the technology PRVEPA offers its members.

“PRVEPA’s fiber internet is extremely fast and that’s helped us out a lot! We had the slow satellite internet before, and the fiber internet is a whole different world which helps in school, playing video games and streaming videos. I appreciate the scholarship along with the fiber internet,” said the forestry major.

The more than 52,000 meters served by PRVEPA has provided more than $2 million collected and deposited in an account overseen by the PineBelt Foundation. Ten percent of each year’s funds are set aside in an endowed fund for future use. The remaining money is divided equally between the number of eligible applicants, with 187 students each receiving a $500 scholarship.

“Getting this scholarship pays for school, which feels good. I’m very thankful for this opportunity!” said psychology major, Aliyah Watts of Sandy Hook.

Amazingly, donations under $12 a year from members rounding up their electric bills have enhanced the lives of thousands in the region.

“Sometimes the smallest gestures, like donating 50 cents, can make the biggest impact in our communities,” said Ware. “While it may not seem like your spare change can do much, when combined with the generosity of your fellow Pearl River Valley Electric members, you can help change the life of a fellow member and improve the quality of life in our communities. Working together is the cooperative way and that can make a big difference.”

Scholarship recipients this year include 111 students from PRCC, 41 at MGCCC, and 23 at Jones College with an additional 12 students attending four other state community colleges. Overall, students came from 21 different high schools and homeschool programs. Round Up for Education funds collected after August 1, each year go towards next year’s scholarships. Applications for 2023 scholarships will be available beginning in November.