ELLISVILLE – Eighteen Jones College students are amongst the 142 students from throughout Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association’s 12-county service area receiving a $650 scholarship through the Round Up for Education scholar’s program. This is the eleventh year the scholarship program has been able to offer a financial boost for community college students because members round their bills up to the nearest dollar amount each month. Scholarships are available to members who do the “round up,” as well as for their spouses or dependent children who are enrolled as freshmen this fall. The state’s community college students can thank the generous spirit and support of the Association’s 52,000 members for the added financial boost to their education.
“The Round Up for Education program is an example of how electric cooperatives, and their members can improve their communities through education,” said CEO/General Manager Matthew Ware. “Education is vital to improving the future for all of us in south Mississippi.”
Since the Round Up program began in November 2012, nearly $2.5 million has been collected and deposited in an account overseen by the PineBelt Foundation. Ten percent of each year’s funds are set aside in an endowed fund for future use. The remaining money is divided equally between the number of eligible applicants. In the program’s 11 years, 2,167 students have now received scholarships.
“Sometimes the smallest gestures, like donating 50 cents, can make the biggest impact in our communities,” said Ware. “While it may not seem like your spare change can do much, but when combined with the generosity of your fellow Pearl River Valley Electric members, you can help change the life of a fellow member and improve the quality of life in your communities. Working together is the cooperative way and that can make a big difference.”
In addition to 18 Jones College students receiving scholarships, 94 students attending Pearl River Community College, and 20 at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College students each received the $650 PRVEPA scholarship. Ten other students attending three other state community colleges also received scholarships. Overall, students came from 18 different high schools and home school programs.
Round Up for Education funds collected after August 1, go toward next year’s scholarships. Applications for 2024 scholarships will be available beginning in November. Pearl River Valley Electric is a member-owned, not-for-profit cooperative that distributes electricity to more than 52,000 members in 12 counties in central and south Mississippi. It is headquartered in Columbia and has offices in Hattiesburg, Purvis, and Wiggins.
Jones College student recipients of the PRVEPA Round Up for Education Scholarship
- Georgia Boudreaux, Hattiesburg
- Kamron Brooks, Hattiesburg
- Madelyn Brown, Purvis
- William Carlson, Hattiesburg
- Colby Daughtry, Sumrall
- Christopher Goolsby, Hattiesburg
- Aylesia Hartfield, Wiggins
- Natalie Holmes, Kokomo
- Julio Martinez, Hattiesburg
- Miller Ethan, Hattiesburg
- Mitchell Morgan, Hattiesburg
- Manning Moody IV, Wiggins
- Brooks Newell, Hattiesburg
- Ta’Nia Patrick, Columbia
- Garrett Stephens, Hattiesburg
- Madison Swales, Hattiesburg
- Campbell Wood, Hattiesburg
- Lillian Yawn, Hattiesburg