ELLISVILLE- Jones College was thrilled to be able to host WDAM-TV’s annual Top of Class 2023 recognition program with a live, “red-carpet” event. WDAM-TV news/weather personalities Brandi McGill and Ryan Mahan, along with Jones College administrators, Dr. Finee’ Ruffin and Rod Tolbert were photographed with the area’s valedictorians and salutatorians to commemorate the special event held at Jones College. The group of nearly 100 high school students were celebrated with a day of recognition including breakfast, entertainment and inspiring comments from WDAM-TV Vice President and General Manager, Tim Walker and WDAM-TV anchor/reporter, Kyra Lampley, who is also a Jones College graduate.

“As you sit in those chairs, look around the room and bask in the determined spirit you exude. You are the Top of the Class,” said Lampley.
Each student was recognized and received a special, Top of Class Certificate of Achievement, commemorative T-Shirt and participated in the traditional, Hat Toss while the WDAM-TV production crew documented the event to be featured during WDAM-Sunrise at 6:58 a.m., on May 8, through June 16, and on the WDAM-TV webpage.

“This group of seniors endured magnificently through the many challenges we faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and thrived. Jones College was excited to partner with WDAM-TV to honor the Top of Class 2023 for the 26th year, hosting this ‘red-carpet’ special event and recognition program, honoring the academic achievements of our high school students in the Pine Belt,” said Jones College President, Dr. Jesse Smith.
Check on the WDAM-TV Top of Class website, https://www.wdam.com/topofclass/ for a schedule of when each high school’s Top of Class video will air on WDAM-TV Sunrise News.