ELLISVILLE – Forty-four Jones College faculty and staff members were recently honored for their years of service to the college during a special Employee Appreciation program. Administrators and the JC Foundation treated the Jones College faculty and staff to a picnic lunch outdoors recently. JC administrators honored employees for their service at five-year increments, beginning with those who have served at least five years.
Topping the number of service years was Teresa Welch with 30-years working as the administrative assistant for the Humanities and Athletics departments, and currently the Office of the President.
“I have been blessed to be a part of the Jones College family for the last 30 years,” said Welch. “I have made lifelong friendships and memories that I will carry with me throughout the rest of my life.”

Honored for completing 25 service years in 2022, were six employees. Tucker Beech works in the maintenance department and ensures delivery of every package. Stephanie Johnson enjoys teaching students social science courses. As the Media and Public Relations Director, Teresa McCreery also assists with the alumni, athletic, recruiting, and marketing endeavors and events on campus. Jennifer Powell has served in administration as the Dean of eLearning. She is currently teaching Information Systems Technology courses and serves as an FBLA advisor with business instructor, David Ray, who is also celebrating 25 years of employment at Jones College. Wendy Wilkerson’s work is visible in her floral and landscaping designs on campus and at events, in addition to teaching horticulture.

Seven employees began serving the college 20 years ago. Michael Bradshaw is the Assistant to the President for Facilities Management. April Phillips (not pictured) is the Senior Programmer in the I.T. department and Chris Robinson is the Athletic Director and head softball coach. Faculty members include Tammie Chandler-Associate Degree Nursing (not pictured); Stephanie Jones-Pharmacy Technology; Kerri Pippin-Math and Dr. Patti Smith-English.

More than 15 years ago, 16 people joined the Jones College family. Dr. Finee Ruffin began her journey as a marketing instructor before becoming the Marketing Department Director, Vice President of Marketing and currently, Executive Vice President, Chief Enrollment Management, Information Technology, and Marketing Officer. Gabe Bozeman joined the marketing department as the marketing technical assistant, with the additional duties of graphic designer. He is currently the Bobcat Print Shop Manager. Shawn Wansley was hired as the first Sports Information Director joining the marketing department in 2007.
Barry Bradshaw started his career at Jones as an automotive instructor before becoming the Division Chair and currently the Dean of Agriculture/Industrial Services. The Advanced Technology Center became home to the husband-and-wife team of Webb and Wendy Evans 15 years ago. Webb was promoted from Workforce/Facilities Coordinator to Assistant Dean of Workforce College and now Dean of the Advanced Technology Center. Wendy began as an adjunct math instructor before becoming a full time Adult Education instructor. Additionally, she was promoted to the Director of MIBEST and Workforce Coordinator. She now works as the Director of Integrated Programs as she continues to teach math. Also celebrating at the ATC is Administrative Assistant, Denise Wood.

Jo Anna Newcomb began her career as the Administrative Assistant of the Instructional Affairs Office. In 2012, she accepted the position as the Alumni Coordinator for the Jones College Foundation Office and is currently serving as the Alumni/Scholarship Coordinator. Faculty members include John Burks-Humanities; Jeremiah Estes-Biology, Margaret James-Math and Deborah Rowell-Child Care Lab instructor. Additionally, Stacy Forbes supports the college in the bookstore mailroom. Paula Harrison keeps the Fine Arts Department in “tune” with her skills ensuring every event runs harmoniously. The grounds and athletic fields are vibrant because of Brian Johnson’s skills and Marva Ransom keeps several buildings on campus clean and safe.
Celebrating 10 years of employment at JC are five people: Menyone Barrow-Greene County Navigator; Shan Cargile-AC/Refrigeration instructor; Katelyn Hutchison-Humanities Administrative Assistant; Josh Ishee-Commercial Maintenance instructor and Daryll McDonald-Wayne County Center Director (not pictured).

Nine JC employees were recognized for their five years of service including Jason Bonner-Maintenance (not pictured); Tori Brook-Women’s Soccer Assistant Coach; Amelia Cowart-A.D. Nursing instructor (not pictured); Angela Dyess-Jasper County Health Care Assistant instructor; Candace Geddie-Enrollment Management; Thomas Johnson-AC/Refrigeration instructor; Melinda Miller-Butler-Biology instructor; Tasha Reynolds-Biology instructor and Amy Townsend-A.D. Nursing (not pictured).
Each honored employee was given a special item designed for each level of achievement: 5 years-small plaque; 10 years-large plaque; 15 years-clock; 20 years-small acrylic trophy; 25 years-medium acrylic trophy and 30 years-large acrylic trophy.