Congratulations! You are nearing graduation and need to know all of the information concerning the requirements and procedures for graduation. Below a graduation requirements link is available to assist
students and advisors in planning course selections required to graduate from Jones College. Career and Technical or Vocational students working toward an Associate Degree in Applied Science or Certificate should see their advisor for specific
graduation requirements. You are also urged to review the curriculum guides for the various areas of major emphasis.
Career and Technical or Vocational students working toward an Associate Degree in Applied Science or Certificate should see their advisor for specific graduation requirements.
The name on the diploma will appear exactly as it is on file with the Admissions Office.
The address on the graduation application should be the same as the address on file in the Admissions Office. Please notify the Admissions Office if you have a change of address. Failure to change the address through the Admissions Office will delay the receipt of the diploma. Students should provide one or more telephone numbers where they can be reached after graduation.
If planning to walk, the student must fill in height and weight.
A letter will be mailed to the student approximately 3 weeks prior to the graduation ceremony instructing participating graduates on procedures for graduation.
Turning in a graduation application and/or participating in the ceremony is NOT a guarantee that you will graduate in that given semester. The student's transcript must be reviewed by the Registrar after all grades have posted for the semester to determine eligibility for graduation, this falls after any ceremonies at the college.
Degrees will be posted approximately 3 weeks after the conferral date, but it may take longer if there are any issues, such as missing grades, unmet requirements, pending transfer credits, or a balance on my account.
Students completing graduation requirements during the Fall Semester have the option of participating in the graduation ceremony held at the end of the Spring Semester. However the official transcript will reflect a December graduation date.
Students wanting the PTK designation on their diploma should use the link within the graduation application to have their membership status verified by a PTK advisor.
Students who completed requirements in a PRIOR semester or are applying for a Reverse Transfer may fill out the form here.
If you need a duplicate diploma, fill out the application and return with $10.00 fee.
Information coming soon. The 2025 ceremony will celebrate the achievements of the graduating class of 2025. We encourage all graduates and guests to plan accordingly and arrive on time to avoid delays.
This event is open to the public. There will be an increased number of people on campus for this event. We recommend arriving early to secure your parking spot.
Graduation Practice will be held on Thursday, May 8, 2025, at 1:30 p.m., immediately following Sophomore Lunch.
During graduation practice, students will receive caps and gowns. There is no fee for caps and gowns.
Graduates will not be limited to the number of guests they may invite.
Information coming soon.