No alerts at this time
Campus Police
Vice President of Student Affairs
Dean, Student Affairs
If you have witnessed a questionable or suspicious act or behavior taking place, we ask that you notify us of the incident for the safety of all involved. Examples include but are not limited to:
The Annual Security Report is prepared in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998. Compiling the report is the collaborative responsibility of representatives within the Campus Police Department and the Office of Student Affairs. The report provides information on services and policies that support a safe and secure environment, highlights programs that encourage members of the campus community to seek intervention and assistance for victimization, provides information on alcohol and drug policies, outlines procedures for handling reports of sexual assault, and identifies campus representatives for reporting crimes and incidents that impact the college community.
Two weather sirens are located on the campus for detecting severe weather. During clear and sunny weather, the sirens will be tested on the 1st Tuesday in each month at 11:00a.m. The following storm warnings are used by the Weather Bureau.
Tornado Watch
A tornado watch is a forecast of the possibility of developing tornadoes in a large area.
Tornado Warning
Means that a tornado has been sighted and is approaching the area in the warning.
Tornadoes vary in magnitude from low velocity winds, which produce small forces on existing structures to high velocity winds that produce large forces and result in heavy damage to structures and other objects in their path. In general, most structures offer little resistance to the physical forces produced by a tornado, whereas, steel framed and reinforced concrete structures may survive resulting force with minor damage. The major forces produced by the tornado phenomena are as follows:
Wind Action
High velocity winds which rotate around a translating vertical axis and produce dynamic forces on structures and other objects encountered.
Impact of Missiles -usually a considerable amount of debris is suspended in the high velocity winds of a tornado. These objects act as missiles and produce damage to structures and other objects in their path.
Tornado Watch
The Campus Police will notify each building supervisor by phone of impending weather condition. If the building is not designated as a storm shelter, the building supervisor will evacuate the building of all persons to the designated storm shelter. Upon receiving notification of a tornado the resident hall supervisor should notify students of the weather condition.
Tornado Warning
The building supervisors will relocate faculty/staff/students to areas offering the greatest resistance to tornadoes, preferably lowest levels in each building in the hall
areas away from windows, glass, etc.
Sketches of the best areas of protection are posted on the buildings safety bulletin board. Follow sketches for best area of protection to relocate students to safest area in building.
Public Warning Signal
A five-minute steady blast of the emergency preparedness siren is activated. The signal may be repeated as necessary. The emergency receiver should be monitored constantly.
Residents should proceed to lowest floor of the building. Avoid windows, lobbies or other areas that have wide free spans overhead. Women residents should gather in first floor bathrooms. Residents of male dormitories should proceed to ground floor and gather in the center of the suite, which is the bathroom facility
If warning comes at night or early morning hours, residence hall personnel should awaken everyone to ensure that each student is aware of the warning.
In an emergency dial 911 first and notify Campus Police
Do Not Attempt To Rescue. Notify Emergency Responders or Fire Department Personnel
Building supervisors should notify Campus Police of break or suspected breaks in utility lines, which might present an additional hazard. Campus Police will notify maintenance and utility companies.
If an explosion should occur, remove the person or persons immediately from the site and extinguish the fire if possible. Sound the fire alarm and notify Campus Police. Notify EMS and
the Campus Nurse immediately.
Close all doors where explosions occur to isolate smoke and fire.
Report threat immediately to the Assistant to the President, VP for Student Affairs and/or Campus Police. If it is determined that the report has merit, evacuation of buildings will be directed by Campus Police and building supervisors. This should be done in an orderly manner. All persons not involved in search will be moved to a minimum of 300 feet away from building or as directed by officer in charge. If a bomb is found, technical assistance will be requested from the nearest bomb disposal unit. Campus Police, together with building officials, will determine whether evacuation is required.
Evacuation Not Ordered
The responding emergency team (campus police, Ellisville Police, etc…) in concert with employees in the affected area, might conduct a convert search.
Employees will be asked to discreetly check their immediate work areas for any suspicious packages, devices, etc.
Evacuation Ordered
The employees of the building will be evacuated 2000 to 3000 feet from the building and responding emergency teams will conduct a search of the area. Employees in the
affected area may be asked to assist in identifying or conduction a brief search under the direction of the Incident Commander.
Bomb Threat Call
Obtain as much detailed information as possible about the bomb and its location. Legitimate callers usually wish to avoid injury or detection. Request more information by expressing a desire to save lives.
Bomb Threats to Residence Halls
In the event of a bomb threat, immediately notify:
The Campus Police Department provides 24-hour assistance on campus. Immediately contact campus police personnel if hostile or violent behavior, actual or potential, is witnessed.
School Shooting Call Checklist
Violent Intruder
In the event of a violent intruder on campus many decisions will be at the discretion of the instructor. There is no one plan that will work in every situation but here are some suggestions:
Assault Prevention
In the event of an assault: Take the survivor to a safe place, if a severe physical injury does not preclude moving him/her.
Call Campus Clinic at 477-4104. The campus nurse can tell you how best to assist the survivor and furnish the appropriate contact number and/or resources he/she can utilize. After hours call Campus Police (477-4006) for assistance. If the survivor lives in campus housing, call the Resident Assistant on duty and give him/her information without revealing the identity of the survivor. Help the survivor report the assault to Campus Police at 477-4006. If the assault took place off-campus, call 911. If the assault occurred on campus, call 477-4006 or 477-4169.
In the event of a chemical spill, leak or potential release of hazardous materials, Jones College staff and students should:
Pandemics happen when new (novel) viruses emerge, which can infect people easily and spread from person to person in an efficient and sustained way. Jones College is committed to preparing for such an event. A sub-plan of the college’s Emergency Management Plan is the Pandemic Response Plan that addresses the specific guidelines and actions unique to a pandemic. The major goals of Jones’s pandemic plan are to assure the following: