Three Semesters
Career Certificate
The Practical Nursing Program is designed to provide the student with knowledge and skills necessary to function as a Licensed Practical Nurse. This program prepares the individual to assist in providing general nursing care requiring basic knowledge of the biological, physical, behavioral, psychological and sociological sciences, and of nursing procedures that do not require the skills, judgment, and knowledge required of a registered nurse. This care is performed under the direction of a registered nurse, licensed physician, or dentist.
Completing the program of study, as identified by the Mississippi Community College Board, qualifies the graduate to be eligible to apply for the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN). The graduate of the program functions as a provider of care and a member of a profession. This curriculum references the Client Needs and Integrated Processes Categories from the Test Plan for the National Council Licensure Examination for Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses. The Mississippi State Board of Nursing, to which the student applies for licensure, may deny any individual the right to take the NCLEX-PN based on previous criminal records.
If you have any questions please contact the Practical Nursing Office at (601) 477-4101.
The entrance requirements for the practical nursing program are:
Full-time Application Deadline August 2025 Class Ellisville and Jasper: April 1st, 2025
Part-Time programs for Main Campus and the Wayne County Center next class will start Summer 2025- Applications will be available Jan 2025
Part-time Application Deadline Summer 2025 Class Wayne Center and Night (Ellisville): April 1st, 2025.
Human Growth & Development
Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II
Intermediate Algebra or College Algebra
English Comp I
Marriage & Family
Music or Art Appreciation
Selection of students into the program is very competitive. Scores listed above represent the minimum requirements and do NOT guarantee admission into the program. Selection into the Practical Nursing program will be based on points earned by each applicant. Points can be accumulated based on the rubric that is used in the selection process. Download a copy of the Selection Process Rubric.
Selection of students into the program will be based on the ACT score, ATI TEAS score, college GPA, selected academic college course work taken and previous healthcare experience. Approximately 40 applicants are selected for the Fall class and approximately 40 applicants are selected for the Spring class in Ellisville. Approximately 20 students are selected for the Fall Jasper class. Approximately 20 students each are selected for the Wayne and Ellisville part-time classes during their application cycle on odd years. *In case students have the same amount of total points on the rubric, the applicant with the highest combination of points from the GPA and ACT will be considered. If there is still a tie, the in-district applicant is given priority and further ties will be broken by a random drawing.
Students selected will be notified by letter or email. All qualified applicants not selected will be placed on an alternate list; in the event of a vacancy, the alternate will be notified via phone call or email. After notification of acceptance, the student will be required to provide the following:
Once admitted into the program, students must clear criminal background check. Maintain an 80% average on attempted coursework as outlined in the Practical Nursing Manual. Students selected into the Practical Nursing Program will be required to submit to a random drug test prior to the first day of clinical.
Credit for Nursing Courses within the Program
Applicants who have successfully completed content in another Practical Nursing Program or who have completed content in a Registered Nursing Program may request advanced placement in the Practical Nursing Program under certain conditions. Students who have successfully completed the 1st semester of a Practical Nursing Program within the last two years, with a grade of “C” or better, are eligible to receive transfer credit that is equivalent to the 1st semester PNV Coursework at Jones College, provided the coursework taken at another college is congruent with the course work offered at Jones College.
Students that have successfully completed two semesters in an RN program within the last two years, with a grade of “C” or better, are eligible to receive transfer credit for only the 1st semester PNV courses at Jones College, provided the coursework taken at another college is congruent with the coursework offered at Jones College.
Any person requesting transfer of prior credit must:
Placement is not guaranteed and is dependent on several factors:
Credit for Non-Nursing Courses within the Program
Students enrolled in the Practical Nursing Program who have taken academic Anatomy & Physiology I & II may request to substitute these classes or PNV 1213 Body Structure and Function. This substitution is allowed only if the student has completed these classes within the last two years and achieved a grade of “B” or better in the academic course. A copy of the student’s college transcript must be on file in the PN office for this substitution to be approved.
Amy Myers
Home and Health Room 105
(601) 477-4101
Andrea Rodriguez
Home and Health Room 105
(601) 477-4101
Alisha Butler
Home and Health Room 105
(601) 477-4101
Jill Burge
Home and Health Services Room 104H
Ashley Harrison Garick
Home and Health Services Room 104G
Stewart Walters
Home and Health Room 104J
(601) 477-2409
Brandi Wilford
Home and Health Services 104E
(601) 477-5285
Lekisha Powe
Wayne County Center
(601) 477-4031
Oshaugnessye McCormick
Home and Health Room 104I
(601) 477-5438
Kaitlyn Woestman
Home and Health Room 104J
(601) 477-4054
Mason Smith
Home and Health Room 105D
(601) 477-5285
Lisa Hammons
Jasper County Center 206
(601) 477-3548
Full Time Program
SSP 1003 - Smart Start Pathway
PNV 1213 – Body Structure and Function
This course is a study of body structure and function essential to safe and effective nursing care. Each system of the body is covered with applications to nursing. Three semester credit hours. Three hours lecture.
PNV 1443 – Nursing Fundamentals and Clinical
This course provides the student with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to care for the individual in wellness and illness and is applicable across the life span, as well as demonstration and supervised practice of the fundamental skills related to practical nursing. Thirteen semester credit hours. Six hours lecture, ten hours lab and six hours clinical.
PNV 1524 – IV Therapy Concepts & Pharmacology
This course provides the student with principles of IV therapy and pharmacology. Principles covered in the course include the administration of medication, administration of IV fluids, and administration of IV medications included in the scope of practice for the practical nurse. The expanded role of IV therapy included in this course is in accordance with the Mississippi Nursing Practice Law and Administration Code. Four semester credit hours. Three hours lecture and two hours lab.
PNV 1682 – Adult Health Nursing Concepts and Clinical
This course is designed to provide the student with the basic theory and clinical experiences needed to provide safe, effective care to the adult client experiencing acute, chronic, or life-threatening physical health conditions in all body systems and the knowledge to prepare for the role transition from student to practical nurse. Twelve semester credit hours. Eight hours lecture and four hours clinical.
PNV 1728 – Specialty Areas in Nursing
This course provides the student with basic knowledge and skills to promote and/or provide safe and effective care for clients and families during antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum periods as well as infancy through adolescence. It also provides the basic knowledge and skills to assist in the promotion of the emotional, mental, and social well-being of the client and family experiencing a mental health alteration. Eight semester credit hours. Seven and thirty-three(7.33) hours lecture. Two hours clinical.
PNV 1914 – Nursing Transition
This course prepares the student for role transition and the National Council Licensure
Examination (NCLEX-PN). Four semester credit hours. Three hours lecture and three hours clinical.
Part Time Program
SSP 1003 - Smart Start Pathway
PNV 1213 – Body Structure and Function
This course is a study of body structure and function essential to safe and effective nursing care. Each system of the body is covered with applications to nursing. Three semester credit hours. Three hours lecture.
PNV 1426 - Fundamentals of Nursing Theory
This course provides the student with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to care for the individual in wellness and illness and is applicable across the life span.
PNV 1437 - Fundamentals of Nursing Lab/Clinical
This course provides demonstration and supervised practice of the fundamental skills related to practical nursing.
PNV 1524 - IV Therapy Concepts & Pharmacology
This course provides the student with principles of IV therapy and pharmacology. Principles covered in the course include the administration of medication, administration of IV fluids, and administration of IV medications included in the scope of practice for the practical nurse. The expanded role of IV therapy included in this course is in accordance with the Mississippi Nursing Practice Law and Administration Code. Four semester credit hours. Three hours lecture and two hours lab.
PNV 1614 - Medical/Surgical Nursing Theory
This course provides the student with the basic nursing theory and skills to provide safe and effective care for the adult clients experiencing acute, chronic, or life-threatening physical health conditions in selected body systems. Pharmacological and nutritional therapy considerations for various disorders are included. The systems not covered in this course are taught in Alterations in Adult Health Theory (PNV 1634).
PNV 1622 - Medical/Surgical Nursing Clinical
This course includes clinical experiences for application of nursing theory and skills for safe and effective care of the adult client experiencing acute, chronic, or life-threatening physical health conditions in all body systems.
PNV 1634 - Alterations in Adult Health Theory
This course provides the student with the basic nursing theory and skills to provide safe and effective care for the adult client experiencing acute, chronic, or life-threatening physical health conditions in selected body systems. Pharmacological and nutritional therapy considerations for various disorders are included. The systems not covered in this course are taught in Medical/Surgical Nursing Theory (PNV 1614).
PNV 1642 - Alterations in Adult Health Clinical
This course includes clinical experiences for application of nursing theory and skills for safe and effective care of the adult client experiencing acute, chronic, or life-threatening physical health conditions in all body systems.
PNV 1714 - Maternal-Child Nursing
This course provides the student with basic knowledge and skills to promote and/or provide safe and effective care for clients and families during antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum periods as well as infancy through adolescence.
PNV 1814 - Mental Health Nursing
This course provides the student with basic knowledge and skills to assist in the promotion of the emotional, mental, behavioral, and social well-being of the client and family experiencing a mental health alteration.
PNV 1914 - Nursing Transition
This course facilitates the transition of the student to the role of an entry level Licensed Practical Nurse and the preparation for the National Council Licensure Examination® (NCLEX-PN).