Two Semesters
Four Semesters
Career Certificate
Technical Certificate
Associate of Applied Science
The Information Systems Technology (IST) department offers technical programs, leading to associate degrees or certifications, designed to develop marketable skills and promote economic development.
Students entering Information Systems Technology may choose a Computer Networking Technology option or a Web and Programming Technology option. The IST department at Jones College has partnerships and affiliations with national vendors such as Cisco Systems and Microsoft. The Web and Programming technology option is a two-year program which offers training in the design, coding, and testing of websites, ecommerce development, server administration, graphics manipulation, Internet programming, and database interaction.
This option offers training in desktop, web, and mobile application development. The curriculum teaches students skills such as Visual Basic, PHP, ASP.Net, JavaScript, “C”, Mobile, HTML, CSS, and SQL. Also, students are prepared to earn their IC3, CIW, CompTIA’s A+, and programming language certifications.
The Computer Networking option is a two-year program which offers training in hardware, operating systems, network design, network administration and client/server systems. The curriculum offers students the education needed to earn IC3 certifications, Cisco’s CCNA certification, Microsoft’s MCP certification, and CompTIA’s A+, Network+, Security+, and Linux+ certifications.
Jennifer Powell
J.B. Young Center Room 204
(601) 477-4064
IST 1113 – Fundamentals of Information Technology
This course introduces microcomputer operation, word
processing, spreadsheets, database management, and online applications. It is designed for students with limited
computer proficiency and is to be taken by those students in addition to the courses listed in the course sequence. Three
semester credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 1124 – IT Foundations
This course covers the diagnosis, troubleshooting, and maintenance of computer
components, installs and uses several operating systems, and discusses interpersonal communications for IT
professionals. Topics include hardware compatibility, system architecture, memory, input devices, video displays,
disk drives, modems, printers, safety and environmental issues, operating systems, communication, and professional
behavior. Four semester credit hours: two hours lecture and four hours lab.
IST 1134 – Fundamentals of Data Communications
This course introduces students to fundamentals of networking. It
provides coverage of architectures, topologies, and protocols. Four semester credit hours: two hours lecture and four
hours lab.
IST 1143 – Principles of Information Security
This course is an introduction to the various technical and administrative
aspects of Information Security and Assurance. This course provides the foundation for understanding the key issues
associated with protecting information assets, determining the levels of protection and response to security incidents,
and designing a consistent, reasonable information security system with appropriate intrusion detection and reporting
features. Three semester credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 1153 – Web and Programming Concepts
This course is an introduction to programming logic, computer systems,
and the Internet. Students will gain hands-on experience in the development of computer programs and web pages.
Three semester credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 1163 – Concepts of Database Design
This course is an introduction to the design and manipulation of relational
databases. Emphasis is placed on creation, manipulation, extraction, and display of data from existing databases. SQL
is introduced and explored. Three semester credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 1213 – Client Installation and Configuration
This course is designed to help the student install, support and
troubleshoot a current client operating system. Emphasis will be placed on common user operations as well as the
network administrator’s support of the client. Three semester credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 1223 – Network Components
Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Data Communications (IST 1134). This course presents
local area network and wide area network connectivity. It focuses on architectures, topologies, protocols, and transport
methods of a network. Three semester credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 1244 – Network Administration Using Microsoft Windows Server
Prerequisite: IT Foundations (IST 1124) or
permission of instructor. This course focuses on the management of a computer network using the Microsoft Windows
Server network operating system. Emphasis will be placed on daily administrative tasks performed by a network
administrator. Four semester credit hours: two hours lecture and four hours lab.
IST 1254 – Network Administration Using Linux
Prerequisite: IT Foundations (IST 1124) or permission of instructor.
This course focuses on the management of a computer network using the Linux operating system. Emphasis is placed
on installation, configuration, implementation, and administrative tasks of a functional server. Four semester credit
hours: two hours lecture and four hours lab.
IST 1314 – Visual BASIC Programming Language
Introduction to the Visual BASIC programming language introduces
the student to object-oriented programming and a graphical integrated development environment. Four semester credit
hours: two hours lecture and four hours lab.
IST 1413 – Client Side Programming
Prerequisites: Web and Programming Concepts (IST 1153) and a Programming
Language. This course focuses on JavaScript, CSS, and DHTML programming. Three semester credit hours: two
hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 1423 – Web Design Applications
Prerequisite: Web and Programming Concepts (IST 1153) or permission of
instructor. Application of various professional and personal web design techniques are utilized. Students will work
with the latest WYSIWYG editors, HTML editors, animation/multimedia products, and photo editors. Three semester
credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 1483 – Fundamentals of Virtualization
This course presents basic concepts of operating system virtualization, server
virtualization, cloning, teams, and virtual networks. Three semester credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 1613 – Computer Forensics
This course is an introduction to the various technical and administrative aspects of
computer forensics and laws pertaining to cybercrime. This course provides the foundation for understanding the
key issues associated with computer forensic investigations, understanding the boot processes and disk structure for
multiple operating systems, and understanding the processes related to data acquisition during investigations. Three
semester credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 1713 – Java Programming Language
This introduction to the Java programing language is to include sort, loops,
arrays, and applets. Three semester credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 2213 – Network Security
Prerequisites: Network Components (IST 1223). This course provides an introduction
to network and computer security. Topics such as ethics, security policies, legal issues, vulnerability testing tools,
firewalls and operating system hardening will be discussed. Students will receive a deeper understanding of network
operations and protocols through traffic capture and protocol analysis. Three semester credit hours: two hours lecture
and two hours lab.
IST 2224 – Network Planning and Design
Prerequisite: A Network Operating System Elective and Network
Components (IST 1223). This course involves applying network concepts in planning and designing a functioning
network. Emphasis is placed on recognizing the need for a network, conducting analysis, and designing solutions. Four
semester credit hours: two hours lecture and four hours lab.
IST 2234 – Network Implementation
Prerequisite: Network Planning and Design (IST 2224). This course is the
culmination of all concepts learned in the network curriculum. Topics include planning, installation, evaluation, and
maintenance of a network solution. Four semester credit hours: two hours lecture and four hours lab.
IST 2253 – Advanced Network Administration Using Microsoft Windows Server
Prerequisites: IT Foundations (IST
1124) and Network Administration using Microsoft Windows Server (IST 1244). This course is a continuation of
Network Administration Using Microsoft Windows Server. Emphasis is placed on installation, configuration, and
implementation of a functional server. Three semester credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 2264 – Advanced Network Administration Using Linux
Prerequisites: Network Components (IST 1223), and
Network Administration Using Linux (IST 1254). This course is a continuation of IST 1254 Network Administration
Using Linux. This is an advanced administration course in network services for Linux users who wish to increase their
skills. Students will learn how to apply security to network users and resources, manage and compile the Linux kernel,
manage network clients, and troubleshoot network processes and services. Four semester credit hours: two hours
lecture and four hours lab.
IST 2313 – Systems Analysis and Design
Prerequisites: Concepts of Database Design (IST 1163) and Web Server (IST
2483) or by permission of instructor. This course introduces techniques used in systems analysis, design, maintenance,
security, and evaluation. Emphasis will be placed on the design and development of web based systems. Three
semester credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 2324 – Script Programming Language
Prerequisites: Web and Programming Concepts (IST 1153) or by permission
of instructor. This course is an introduction to the use of integrating scripts to add functionality to web pages. Four
semester credit hours: two hours lecture and four hours lab.
IST 2334 – Advanced Visual BASIC Programming Language
Prerequisite: Visual BASIC (IST 1314). This course is
a continuation of Visual BASIC. Emphasis is placed on database access, file access, controls, and structures. Four
semester credit hours: two hours lecture and four hours lab.
IST 2344 – Database Programming and Design
This course will introduce programming using a database management
software application. Emphasis will be placed on menus and file maintenance. Four semester credit hours: two hours
lecture and four hours lab.
IST 2373 – C Programming Language
Prerequisites: Any Programming Language course or by permission of instructor.
This course is designed to introduce the student to the C programming language and its basic functions. Three semester
credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 2383 – Advanced C Programming Language
Prerequisite: C Programming Language (IST 2373). This course is a
continuation of the C programming language. Three semester credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 2424 – XML Programming
Prerequisite: Web and Programming Concepts (IST 1153). This course provides a
comprehensive understanding of the Extensible Markup Language (XML). Four semester credit hours: two hours
lecture and four hours lab.
IST 2433 – Server-side Programming I
Prerequisite: Client Side Programming (IST 1413). This course is an
introduction to creating dynamic web applications using server-side technologies. Three semester credit hours: two
hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 2443 – Server-side Programming II
Prerequisite: Server Side Programming I (IST 2433). This course is a
continuation of Server Side Programming I with increased emphasis on data driven content. Three semester credit
hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 2453 – Mobile Application Development
Prerequisite: Visual BASIC Programming (IST 1314). This course
introduces application development using mobile device techniques and platforms. Three semester credit hours: two
hours lecture and two hours lab.
IST 2473 – E-commerce Strategies
Prerequisite: Server Side Programming I (IST 2433) or permission of instructor.
Provides opportunities for students to examine strategies and products available for building electronic commerce
sites, examine how such sites are managed, and explore how they can complement an existing business infrastructure. Students get hand-on experience implementing the technology to engage cardholders, merchants, issues, payment
getaways, and other parties in electronic transactions. Three semester credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours
IST 2483 – Web Server
Prerequisite: IT Foundations (IST 1124). Co requisite: Server Side Programming I (IST 2433).
Introduces students to web, email, and proxy servers and the platforms on which they reside. Students will be able to
install and configure web, email, and proxy servers. Three semester credit hours: two hours lecture and two hours lab.
Mobirise offers many site blocks in several themes, and though these blocks are pre-made, they are flexible. You can combine blocks in different ways on your pages.
Mobirise gives you the freedom to develop as many websites as you like given the fact that it is a desktop app.
Publish your website to a local drive, FTP or host on Amazon S3, Google Cloud, Github Pages. Don't be a hostage to just one platform or service provider.
Just drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.